Go to bed!!

Okay I need advice from moms.
My son stays up til at least 11 p.m. How oh how can I get him to sleep?

p.s. He’s 7…

Put him to work designing web sites. Or get him on the SDMB–he keeps the right hours.

Get him up early, then keep him up all day.

Doesn’t work on my kids.

How about cutting off the coffee at noon? I do that to myself and it helps.

thankfully, he doesn’t drink coffee. Ayesha, a great idea, but it also means getting myself up early.
I was told warm milk would work, but I doubt this.

Does he function OK the next day? Maybe he doesn’t need that much sleep. I could never go to sleep before 11:00 when I was a kid, my time clock just didn’t function that way. So my parents put me to bed early, and I just read till I fell asleep—sometimes not till 1:00, if I recall.

Now, of course, I get home from work at 6:30 and all I want to do is crawl into bed and go to sleep . . .


You have got to get that child on a shedule and keep him on it, if you want him to go to bed at a certian time.

I know, it sucks, but at his age he still needs lots of rest. If you don’t do it now, what are you going to do when school starts back up ? You don’t want him falling asleep in class.

When mine was that age (7) his bed time was 8:30 pm, no if, ands, ors or buts about it.

It’s hard to get them started, but it is worth it.

slip 'im a mickey around 8 or so…

Decide on the time and then put him to bed.

He doesn’t have to go to sleep. He could read or listen to music (quietly), but he must be in bed. Then wake him up at a time that is good for you.

He will find his own level. Now, don’t wake him at noon and expect him to lay quietly in bed at 8:30. And don’t stress too much about it.