I just saw the interview with the father of the vile scum (Mohammed Atta). In between his insisting that “my boy would never do this”, he kept repeating his hatred for the USA. Well, I hope that the “Great satan” decides to cut off the $6 billion welfare payment that we make to his rotten county (Egypt). I find it hard to square the generosity that we’ve shown Egypt over the years, with the hatred expressed by this dirtbag!
So, my Egyptan friends, I wish you well, and I won’t be contributing to your evil, sick country any more. maybe your friends in Suadi arabia will help you… I certainly don’t care if youn all starve to death.
You can return the money to me!
Hmm. One person makes comment, another person judges their whole nation by it.
Buddy1, as McVeigh was a sick fuckwit, can I judge all Americans by him? Can I judge you by him?
[sub][reminiscence mood]Worked in Egypt for a couple of months, for an oil company. Nice people, very generous. Got invited to peoples homes for dinner almost every night. Don’t know how I missed that they were, in fact, evil and sick. The worst I’d have said was the local coffee was a bit harsh.[/reminiscence mood][/sub]
This should have been your FIRST clue!
Damn, how the hell did I miss that? Well, if harsh coffee is a sign of evil intent the dutch must be planning something that’s just diabolical.
And those North Dakotans… and all those places along the Ohio turnpike…
My god, I’m surrounded by evil. I blame the liberals, the ACLU and Starbucks.
You are on my list Gary. You shall be among my personal slaves once I finish my coffee and take over the world!
Well, if we’re voting about whether or not to send foreign aid to Egypt, I’ll vote yes. So, my vote cancels yours out, buddy1. Now go see if you can get other people on your side. :rolleyes:
You know, sadly, there are some other fuckheads on the boards that would probably agree with him.
Also, we should stop providing any welfare to the US because of people like Timothy McVeigh that hate the US.
I was once told by some idiot named Buddy that he didn’t like me. That’s when I realized that everyone on Earth named Buddy is an evil, sick person, so I don’t care if the OP starves to death.
'Kay, buddy1, this is the final exam–for 25 points, what is the difference between your statement and mine, other than that mine is spelled correctly?
Oh, I get it! It’s all the father’s fault that Bin Laden is a morally-depraved nucking-futcase! Let’s send our army after HIM, and send ObL to a support group!
Gary, m’man, I agree that the Egyptians have ideas about coffee that I don’t share. Don’t know why that is, really–I go nuts for Greek or Turkish coffee, and the best cup I’ve ever had was after a huge Armenian meal.
Hot as hell, black as sin, sweet as love.
I can can agree with the sentiment, “Go to Hell, Mr. Atta!”
but unless Egypt was assimilated by the Borg when I wasn’t looking, that nation does not share a hive mind. Therefore, it is possible that Mr. Atta does not represent the thoughts of every single Egyptian.
Just a thought.
Mmmm, tiny cups of intense java pleasure!
It’s like Atta’s father blamed the whole U.S. for his son’s desire to look like Tammy Fae Baker.
I can can agree with the sentiment, “Go to Hell, Mr. Atta!”
but unless Egypt was assimilated by the Borg when I wasn’t looking, that nation does not share a hive mind. Therefore, it is possible that Mr. Atta does not represent the thoughts of every single Egyptian.
Just a thought.
Mmmm, tiny cups of intense java pleasure!