Go to Netflix for the spoof, stay for the trailer

Funny stuff, Netflix! I wonder how long it will stay up. Stamos all over the place. Funny.

I only saw the trailer. Still though…funny stuff.

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And a few more.

Okay, I see it now. LOL

:smiley: That’s pretty good!

Also, pornhub has a cover page called cornhub, complete with videos they’ve been working on for a month. It’s pretty funny. Still not quite sfw due to some undisguised links. Corn puns abound!

Hulu is getting in on the action with “Huludatr” a revolutionary new way to online date. Bonus points for:

Having the dude from Eharmony in the 2min Trailer. :smiley:

Funny! I’ve seen some good stuff on Facebook today. Not jerky stuff. Not a bad Fool’s Day for once.

Posted this in another thread, but this Netflix trailer actually had me pumped for a minute. Like, ready to text my Star Wars-loving friend and get my son in the room to watch. Then I was utterly deflated when I realized that I was punked.

I even made it a point this morning to remind myself not to believe anything I read today.