God damn it! I'm sick of this shit!

I am so fuckin’ sick of businesses that don’t seem to have any change on them. They’re running a God Damn business every day! Don’t they know enough to go to the bank and get some different denominations of currency? Duh?!

The stupid little “We need singles” sign is annoying, yet harmless. Harmless until last week, when I bought $3.80 worth of milk and goodies at the SpeedWay station. The loser behind the counter didn’t want to accept my fiver, and said he wanted my singles that I had. I refused. Then, he insisted on giving me dimes. nickels, and quarters for change!:mad: God Damn it! If you’re running a business, go to the bank every so often! Why should I, the paying customer, be put out for your fuckheadness?

Then there is the prix who won’t take a $50 bill for a gas purchase of $37. Oooooh. That 50 may be fake. What a crock! I cannot believe they said that to me! Then when the manager (A fucking 20 year old punk :rolleyes: ) comes up, he tells me that 13 dollars is too much change for them to hand out. Could I please use two 20 bills or pay with credit card!:mad: I’m sick of this shit! It’s not like these are tiny little, mom&pop type places. These are huge, mega service stations. This crap has happened too many times in a short period of time for me to let it slide!
If you’re running a business, get some change! People still use cash! deal with it!

Heres what you do. Next time you go there take nothing but a fifty with you. Go in the store and buy a single hot dog or a candy bar and a soda. ON your way up to the counter take a bite of the hot dog or candy bar and also take a big swig of the soda. Then when you get up to the counter hand the guy the fifty bill. When he says “do you have anything smaller?” Just tell him no. Then when he tells you he can’t change that; just say “ok” and leave the stuff laying on the counter Repeat this daily untill they get the point.

And if that doisn’t work call there corprate office if they have one.

What shit-heads, this hapens to me alot too.

The reason there are no bills? Because jackasses come in early, hand me a 100 dollar bill for a 2 dollar order, and clean me out.

I think most convenience stores put 50s in “the safe,” at least after 6pm. They’re afraid of depleting the cash drawer, is my guess. It’s still pretty goddam annoying.

Some businesses are only allowed to have so much cash on hand to make change. They do (at least mine) go to the bank daily and make change orders if necessary. Still, if most people are paying with credit, the amount of cash in the register can stay low and if one guy pays with a $50 or $100 it can clean out the till of change. Somewhere on another message board (or another thread) someone is ranting about customers who bring in $50.00 bills in the morning right after opening and then wants change for a $2.00 item. Sheesh.

Change is change. If you don’t like what he gave you, give it back and ask them for your big bill back, and buy your milk someplace else. Gas stations are notoriously held up. They want to have as little money in the till at all times as possible. There are such things as 24-hour grocery stores, you know.

And please stay out of my store, btw. I myself look much like a “fucking 20 year old punk,” and I’d hate to have to deal with that attitude of yours should I ever have to make a decision that was not exactly what you wanted. The young man was just doing his job.

My store also requires us to keep our tills low on cash so if we get robbed they dont get away with alot of money. The change thing is simple where i come from, we get our money from the bank via armored car and we can only get so much change at one time. That is company policy.

I dont understand why people get 20’s form the atm and think that every store no matter who they are can change them. If you want change that bad then goto a bank and ask the teller that has a till with 2000 dollars in it. My tills can only have 50-75 dollars in change at any given time.

And for the record it is not the cashiers fault so dont give them attitude and crap. I will not and do not have to wait on you, if you give me crap i can tell u to take it elsewhere.
IMO~ Baltotop;)

I wouldn’t recommend that “take a bite of the food” approach. some businesses, evidently also totally unconcerned with customer service, view that as shoplifting or theft of services.

I’m gonna side with the buisness also, i don’t know how many times when i was a grocery store cashier some idiot paid for a five dollar order with a $100 bill, then the VERY NEXT customer did the same thing, wiping me out, and holding up the line as i had to go back and get change. And then they had the nerve to be annoyed and act like i should have thousands of ones and tens in my drawer.

Here’s one reason: in Canada at least, most ATMs only dispense $20s now. If I can’t buy something with a $20, it isn’t getting bought. Fortunately, I can’t recall this ever being a problem.

(Ironically, I usually have to break a $20 for items less than $5… if it’s more than $5 I can usually pay by Interac.)

That’s true in Washington, DC, too, at least. I know of one ATM that dispenses $10s and one that dispenses $5s, but most of them only dispense $20s

Twenties I can usually handle with normal change (and if I can’t, the manager has already been called and should be getting me change.)

However, at the beginning of my shift, or right after a pickup, or at some other point where I am down to a few ones and coinage…well…ones and coinage is what you get, please leave your attitude behind. Ditto if I’m out of ones because people have been handing me $20s for the last six hours, the manager should be getting me ones, but if you are in a hurry, I will have metal. (Ever occur to you that the “loser behind the counter” only had change, and that was why he wanted your ones?)

Like all of my service, its a simple system. Happy, polite people with a moments worth of patience will get anything I can finagle for them. Over size bills, special change (you want a crisp new ten forf a birthday card?) price modifications, checks and rain checks I’m not really supposed to take… Pissy, rude, angry people get store policy and to talk to my hassled, pissy manager. Please trust me that you like my stsem better than the store’s actual policy.

And it sounds like you were being a fuckhead to some poor overworked college student who would rather get back to her Thermodynamics homework than get called a loser by an asshole with feet who doesn’t understand physical reality. Sometimes what you want just isn’t in the drawer, and no one can make it be there, especially you with that attitude. No pity, the Swedish judge gives it a 0.4.

Where I work, twenties and above are put in a drop box to which only the supervisor has the key – the idea being that should someone hold up the store and grab the till, they don’t get as much. It also means that should I have to make change for a fifty or hundred (which I get conflicting reports about whether we’re supposed to accept or not), either I have to wait for my supervisor to get a free moment, or you’re cleaning me out of fives.

Refusing to accept a fiver because you’d ‘rather’ have singles, however, is effing stupid. If you’re out, you’re out, but if you’re not, and the customer wants to keep his singles, deal.

Of course, I tend to get more annoyed at people handing me hundred dollar bills to pay for three-dollar drinks – seeing as how there’s a bank literally right next door to my store. The doors are maybe five feet apart.

I used to go to the bank whenever possible, but still, you’re always likely to run out of change the second it’s too busy to make another change run. As a customer, which you would rather do - have a long wait or get the precise change you’re after? In my experience, most people will kvetch more over a delay in service than specific denominations of change, so we used to try to get the line down before sending someone out.

I wouldn’t recommend the SHAKES approach - more effective is to pay with the correct amount (or as near as) whenever you can. Even though I’m no longer in that kind of customer service, I remember what it’s like. I will check the prices of the goods I’m buying and take the time while stood in line to count out as close as I can to the correct sum. I’ll take a quick look around to see if there’s anything else I need or will need later in an attempt to make up the difference, as I am aware that any effort that I as the customer make will be repaid to me in improved customer service; the staff will have more time and resources available to them in order to keep me happy, which is what we both want. Encourage your friends and family to do the same, and to quit buying a 50pee box of matches with a twenty, purely so they’ll have change for the phone/bus/whatever. Basically, stop using businesses that are not banks, as such. They will be more likely to have the change you need, when you want it. Everyone’s happy :slight_smile:

Where the hell did I say I was buying a $2 item using a fifty?

Using a $50 for a $38 gas purchase is not unreasonable. Nor is using a $5 for a purchase of $3.80! Someone who expects change from a $100 for a small purchase is being a dick, but that’s not what I was doing. If these things happened to me only occassionally, I wouldn’t be so pissed. But it’s almost like these businesses don’t want to deal with cash any more, only credit. Too bad! Some of us don’t use our credit cards for every other purchase!

It’s possible to keep extra change in the place, like a small hidden safe!

My shit job is a cashier at a local grocery store. I can’t count the number of times I open up my drawer and have had anywhere of up to FIVE customers in a row either pay for small purchases with 100 dollar bills, or use their debit cards to pull out $50. My manager would constatnly give me shit because I was calling him over for change every twenty minutes.

Now, we accept $100 bills for $2.00 worth of groceries, but that’s because we’re the “prissy” grocery store, but I’m pretty sure most other places (incliding most gas stations) have signs up saying “We do not accept any bills larger than $20.” It’s been pointed out that these places, due to store policy, don’t carry that much money in their tills, so be a bit more mindful when using these places.

I agree that the guy behind the counter was being a little shit when he was refusing to take your five in preference to ones, but only if he had none and needed to give them to you in return. But in every other instance you’ve described so far, you were being an ass. Relax, these people probably hate their jobs as it is, they don’t need to put up with your shit, too.

What they’re saying is that probably the ten people who came in before you did this.

As I am sure they do. Most stores wish everyone dealt only in credit as it’s automatically banked, no cashing up, simpler etc, but they’re all too aware that customers don’t always want to use plastic. In the last place I worked with money, our safe (not that small, either) could just deal with £300-worth of change in mostly £1 coins, plus the daily takings once they’d been banked. Towards the twice-weekly secure cash pick-up, we’d have to force the safe door closed and sometimes leave the cash float in the registers, risking our jobs had an area manager come in to check on us. Still, on a busy day, we’d work through the change allowance three times; a busy day where we’d have to make customers wait in line longer while we lost a member of staff to run to the (probably just as busy) bank.

Perhaps you aren’t an unreasonable customer. But it is the fault of unreasonable customers using stores as a kind of small-bill ATM that you won’t always get your choice of change, not that of the store or cashiers who are aware of the problem and do their best to address it within their limits i.e asking customers for smaller notes if they have them. No, you shouldn’t have been handed $1.20 in small change or had your $5 refused, but consider the next customer who comes in with $20 for a small purchase - the cashier is going to get more trouble from the guy he’s trying to hand over $18 worth of coins to, so is trying to save his ones. No, that shouldn’t be your problem. So encourage people to be more accurate with their methods of payment and stop automatically assuming that it’s the store/cashier’s fault. If people put more thought into their behaviour as customers, this problem (along with so many others) wouldn’t occur with such annoying regularity.

Do ya ever wonder why people don’t ask for small bills when they go to the bank to withdraw funds, cash a check, ect.?

If they fucking morons at the bank gave out 300.00 in 20.00’s instead of 100.00’s or 50.00’s, we ( retail workers ) would not have this problem. When I go to my bank to cash a check I always ask for smaller bills-- just so I am not one of the fuckers i hate so much.

Right. I always withdraw funds in $20’s. Just ask the cashier.

Praise be to you misstee, I worship you. I’d love to have you as a coworker or a customer. Im glad to see there are others out there who feel the same as i do on this subject. :wink: :smiley: