God Friended Me - resolution?

What was the “solution” to the series? Was it really God? Someone else? Did it make any sense, or was it as stupid as every other show like this?

Wikipedia is unusually silent on the subject. The last episode says simply that Miles will “learn the truth”. which is…?

See the end of this thread:

My elegant suggestion is that, since one series started airing after the other closed shop, and both were on the same network, “God” from “God Friended Me” was the computer program “Friend” from “Person Of Interest” looking for a more peaceful means towards the same goal.

I had to unfriend God. He kept telling me to do crazy stuff like kill my son; then he gave me a plague of boils for no reason and took away all my oxen. With friends like those…

Seriously? As Ralphie so famously exclaimed, “sunuvaBITCH!”

Perhaps the last episode revealed it all to be a dream?