I've fallen in love with You, Me and the Apocalypse

I knew nothing about it when I saw the “free episode” notification on M-Go (I’ve since learned that it’s streaming on Hulu), but I thought I’d give it a shot this weekend.

There are three episodes available, and it has gotten better and better with each one…and it started out great. The cast is great, and full of surprises (Rob Lowe!) and the show manages sight gags, comedy and truly heartfelt moments equally well. It’s the perfect mashup of British and American TV.

Have you seen it? What did you think?

In the US, it’s broadcast by NBC at 8pm on Thursdays. I think it was already broadcast in the UK. I like it.

We’ve been watching. It’s fun, and it’s also nice to spot people from some of the TV shows I’ve liked (e.g., Jess from Misfits).

Oh right…I forget about this thing called “live tv” sometimes. :wink:

I’m watching and loving it, too! I first tuned in out of nothing but loyalty to Jenna Fischer…she was always lovely to all the big Office fans out there, so I tend to see her projects if I can. Anyway, I’ve fallen in love with the show.

Hard to explain why, exactly…it’s just that combination of quirky, funny, and dramatic that hits the sweet spot for me. I tend to gravitate towards all things British so that might have something to do with it.

Hate the struggle not to spoiler myself, though, since the whole series has already aired in the UK already…same thing as with Downton Abbey.

I’ve been watching and like it. I really enjoy seeing non-London England (like how Broadchurch was set in a small coastal town), and we get to see plenty of that here. Plus Jenna Fischer.

I’m worried about the ratings and if they’ll shit can this before all (ten?) episodes get aired. It’s a strange enough show that I can see “middle America” turning it off after 30 seconds. Anyone know how it’s doing with viewers?

One thing I like about this show; it’s a serialized drama with a defined end. So unlike Lost and its imitators, this show won’t drag on endlessly.

I liked it. It wasn’t life-changing, but it was fun.

Well episode 6 explains how everyone ended up in the bunker, but I’m a little confused after watching episode 7.

I thought Project Saviour was just a ruse to keep public order while the government stocked the President’s harem-bunker, but that doesn’t jive at all with how Scottie was acting. :dubious: He would not have sold out his sister unless he really believed the future of humanity as at stake.

I really like the show, but am a little surprised that NBC bought part of it and is airing it. The whole thing seems very British; the sort of stuff they have on BBC America. I wonder how it’s doing in the ratings.

Streamed the Sky1 broadcasts and binged. It was fantastic! Lowe deserves at least Emmy consideration. Jude on the clock tower with the jumper was perfectly written and portrayed.

Joel Fry’s character, Dave, was equally hilarious. He grew the most the entire run.

Excellent ending, leaving open possibilities if renewed for a season 2.

I started loving every second of it, but then the parts where it kept mistaking farce for depth piled on. I won’t go into spoilers, but the way it became highly unrealistic when it was plot convenient annoyed me.

The ending, however, would be great if there’s no season 2. You know, as in everything that happened being predestined, just not in the way the audience thought.

So the last episode aired yesterday in the US on NBC? Did anyone stick with it to the bitter end? What did you think? I liked it a lot but have a few questions, which I’ll throw in a spoiler box.

The most obvious question; who was in the crate at the end? It sounded like a female American voice; some on IMDB or the AV Club site said it sounded like the character played by Jenna Fischer. But she had a male fraternal twin in Scotty. Is it even possible to have identical twins and a third, fraternal triplet?

And there were all sorts of implied and explicit suggestions of the supernatural. Frankie heard voices. Jamie’s mother Mary built that model in the attic of the area in Slough where the bunker was. The River Thames was literally parted. Sister Celine saw God. Jamie seemed to be Good, while Ariel was evil; were they literally meant to be Christ and the Antichrist?

The show had terrible ratings in the US, so apparently it’s not going to get a second season. I wish it did get a second season.

I thought the show got better and better as time went on, from sardonic comedy to real adventure/drama. The final episode is a textbook example of how to write an adventure script.

Dewie Finn

1. I think that was being left for the second season, if there is one.
2. There’s a strong religious subtext and we knew early on the Frankie might be the messiah. Definitely Jamie was a Christ figure (with a touch of Moses) and I think the idea of Ariel as Satan is clearly hinted (he even had the name of an angel, though not a fallen one). Jamie, too, comes from James, an important name among Jesus’s disciples.
3. One small nit: it really didn’t matter if they got to the bunker before the asteroid hit. If it landed on the bunker, they’re dead anyway. If it landed halfway across the world, it would take time to affect them; probably months before plant life died off. It added urgency, but there was plenty of time; the main point of the bunker is really to save people from hungry mobs, not the comet. That’s what I expect will save Jamie in season 2, if there is one.
4. Project Savior was a genuine attempt to deflect the comet, but it failed. The bunker was the fallback.

I hope there’s a second season; the main issue would be to get some of the bigger names back (Mullaley and Fischer). Sky1 could probably continue if they can manage that.

I caught bits of several episodes, but didn’t catch the whole thing. I did see the end of the episode where

Rob Lowe’s character hung himself after seeming to be very happy to reconnect with the nun.

What was that all about?

Huh. Well, I sort of hated the ending. I would have liked some resolution. Otherwise it was an amazing show. Easily my favorite show on the air. I’ll be bummed if it doesn’t get another season.

I’ll put this in a spoiler box:

His character, Jude, didn’t commit suicide, but instead was murdered by the Vatican leadership and the suicide staged, because he was going to reveal their plan to present a fake Messiah.

Boy, you miss one episode…

Thanks, that makes sense.

I just caught up on Hulu, and I loved the entire thing. It doesn’t surprise me that mainstream America didn’t get it, and if it doesn’t get another season on NBC, I’m sad but not surprised. Crossing my fingers for a miracle (heh).

It started out with the knowledge that it was almost impossible, but humanity needed something to believe in so even if it never had a chance, it needed to be at least plausible.

After a couple weeks working on the project they had made more progress than they originally believed possible, so much so that there was actually a chance it might work.