GOD is not a girl

speakeasy wrote:

I must not be watching enough pornographic movies.

I have never before heard “hot” used as a verb.

I have. As in “you-uns hot not be a-thinkin bout stuff lak thet.”

Let’s get back to the original question.
Here are some reasons god is NOT a woman.

  1. Because he had Noah build an ark with no windows.
  2. Because He never apologized for anything, and He never said please and thank you.
  3. Because He used fire, flood and famine to get his point across. He never said it with flowers.
  4. Because He always picked the boys for His teams.
  5. Because He turned water into wine. A woman would have turned it into chocolate.
  6. Because He was born in a barn.
  7. Because He wants ALL our attention ALL the time.
  8. Because He let Solomon have so many wives.
  9. Because He told women to obey their husbands, AND…
  10. Because He says He’s GOD!

That’s very amusing and all, so I’ll play along. Just for the sake of argument:

  1. Would a man get the job done in 7 days?
  2. Look at a man’s body; now look at a woman’s body. Which is the sacred image?
  3. A woman would get jealous of us worshipping nonexistant gods.
  4. The rainbow. A man would stop with Red and Blue.
  5. Multiple orgasms and unlimited access.
  6. Would a man make a fuss over what you ate and when you ate it?
  7. Stars. Who’s counting?
  8. Everything in Nature is circular, spherical, or cyclical. Female.
  9. God never speaks Truth directly. “You should know. If you have to ask, just never mind.”
  10. Love is more important than sex, power, money, etc. Love.

I told you before: I’m the best of both worlds. Consider me bicelestial.

And multilingual…now that is fun for all concerned!