God vs. Barbie... (sort of long, beg pardon)

OUCH Damnit! That hurt! I have a cold, and the snorting giggle that burst out when I got to the missionary position line…darn you!!

I knew that could bring a possible comment or two! But I left it in anyway, I like to live dangerously.

How long until the Jack Chick tract condemning Barbie?

Yeah, the fundie wackos* are losing it, this was the most predictable move I’ve ever seen by em.

*standard disclaimer: Meaning, of course, wackoes who are fundies,not implying all fundies are wackies.

I’ve been posting like a cracked out hamster on speed on this Christian website, I URGE you all to read my posts and see for yourself whether or not I am just a loopy non-believer. OK? Please? URL is in the OP post and I remain SanguineSpider there as I am here.

I have made no mention of my membership to the SDMB and I will not, under pain of death, under pain of torture, under pain of… err, well, “the pain”. Gouge out my eyeballs with a spork, I will not give in! HUZZAH!!!

Debating with some of those posters (earthless for instance) has given me several hundred NEW grey hairs. It’s like pulling teeth to try and crack the window of their sheltered, God-lovin’ brains to let some hot air out. Damn!

You know, a friend of mine had a teacher in high school who taught his class that Barbie caused women to get abortions.

Funny, I thought they used bottles of Coca-Cola.

Dear God,

Jason scares me. Please keep me and my Harry Potter books away from his grasp.


  • Windwalker

PS: Divorce Barbie sounds like a great idea! Comes with Ken’s things, indeed :smiley: :smiley:

You don’t need to. You do realize, right, that when you create a hyperlink to another site, that whomever has control of that site’s statistic software see your link when people have clicked on it?

For instance, in my stat software for one of my comics I saw about 80 hits so far this month coming from my .sigs on this site.

So it would be very easy for the admin of that board to find his/her way back here if they saw a spike in traffic for somewhere, like here, and with you using the same username even removes any doubt that an influx of trouble makers was coming from here.

If you really wanted to make sure it didn’t get back here, I’d either paste the URL as a non-link and let it be cut and pasted and remove the referral information, or at least use a different username when you signed up for the other board.

Sorry for the hijack.

I could swear there was a Barbie advertised who’s pregnant.
Or a Barbie-like doll.

(Courtesy of my endless spam achieve)

The other Barbies:

Millionaire’s Mistress Barbie
Teen Acne Barbie
Gangsta Bitch Barbie
Unwed Mother Barbie
Grunge Star Barbie
Breast Implant Barbie
Quadroplegic Barbie
Teen Leper Barbie
S&M Barbie
Bi Barbie
Senior Citizen Talking Barbie (says, “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!”)
Welfare Mother Barbie (comes with food stamps)
Anorexic Barbie
Trailer Park Barbie
Illegal Alien Barbie
Streetwalker Barbie
PMS Barbie
Bag Lady Barbie
Bikini Wax Barbie
Citadel Cadet Barbie
Generation X Barbie (Job not included.)
Tattooed Barbie
Transsexual Barbie
Bearded Lady Barbie
Teen Driver Barbie (comes complete with wrecked auto)
Narcoleptic Barbie
Hangover Barbie
Disgruntled Postal Employee Barbie

neo-con Barbie?



Her books Treason and Slander were best sellers!

Hmm, well… God hath banned me from the Christian website. They no likey me no more. They said I was promoting Wicca (I wasn’t even if I do value it as a source of worship for some) and I was locked out. Fuckers… no open minds there. I also said that the Bible is open to man’s interpretation and how can one religious group claim their version is the “true” one, direct from God Himself? Oh boy! I’m on their shitlist now… (pout).

I just… might… pit… ahem!

Narrow-minded Bible thumpers… why can’t Christians be open-minded?

Glad to be of assistance!

Does the naked dancing have to be at a full moon or does any moonlight work?

Excellent question. AS one, I find that many of my so-called “fellow” christians don’t think. At all.

Drives me nuts. That and that Pod People type “let Jaaay-sus save yew” weird quasi-baby talk thingie (think of that strange pink-haired televangelist lady, sorry don’t know her name).

I grew up in the church, I used to know the bible pretty well, though I’ve sorely backslid these days on studying.

But I don’t recall anywhere in the bible where it says that you have to act like you’ve only got half a brain (such as some of my relatives by marriage only that SERIOUSLY said, regarding seatbelt non-use, “well, it’s in the good lord’s hands if something happens”). Or worse behave in that weird “have you met Jesus” way.

SHEESH, they don’t have the brains God gave a goose!! I mean, if they’d just THINK about it!! Would you buy a stereo from a man who did that weird Jesus baby-talky “now, brothers and sisters can we talk about your stereo system”???

Then why would they think that being all creepy like that would attract people to hear what they have to say? ARgggh

Grrrr, I’d better stop, this is one of my pet peeves…grr

Yup. It got pulled off the market because fundies claimed that it would lead to teenage pregnancy (no doubt promptly followed by an abortion).

CanvasShoes, I live not too far from where the pink haired lady broadcasts her shows. Um, if you’d ever like to express your displeasure with her in person, I’d be happy to help you out.

You know, as a Wiccan, I have a major, major, <i>major</i> problem with these dolls.

I can’t find them anywhere!

The amusing thing is that these dolls have crap all to do with paganism. I mean, for pity’s sake, who the hell would ever use THAT for a cauldron. It looks like a demented martini glass. Not to mention that such things do nothing for my religion’s PR value…

I still want one, though.

Lord, me too!@! Where have they all gone?? I want a green one, dammit!

“Or worse behave in that weird “have you met Jesus” way.”
That IS creepy and oh, so true! The eyes freak me out the most.

Head caught on fire with a torch Barbie.