Godammit . . . I'm going to watch "Real World" again . . .

I am NOT proud of this. It’s the TV version of being hooked on Britney Spears or Hostess Ding-Dongs. I watched Season 8 because it took place in Hawaii, where I’d been. “I want to see Hawaii, I’ll just ignore the obnoxious cast.” Then last season I watched it because they were in New Orleans, where my best friend just moved and where I was planning to visit. “I want to see New Orleans, I’ll just ignore the obnoxious cast.” Now the new season will be in New York, where I’ve worked for—ulp!—20 years now. “I want to see New York, I’ll just ignore the obnoxious cast.”

Dammit, I have even begun to figure out the typical cast mix:

• Messed-up druggie or emotional basket case
• Obnoxious, manipulative villain
• Pompous crunchy-granola type
• Cute Squeaky-Clean Couple, who hopefully will mate and then break up tearfully
• One out gay person and/or one closeted gay person
• One Smurf-like adorable person to root for

Is there a group I can join to get over this? Anyone wanna tie me down on Tuesday nights so I can’t reach the remote?

Woo Hoo! I’ve been waiting for this invite. I’ll meet you at the Hellfire Club on 9th Ave., Tuesdays at 8:00.

God Help Me I’ll be watching it too Eve. If you find a group please let me know.

Hello, my name is Darby and i’ve been watching The Real World for 10 years.

“Hello Darby”

What, you didn’t watch the Casting Special? We don’t know yet which people will be on which show (they cast the other “reality” show, ROAD RULES, at the same time), but the battle lines seem to be in place. No openly gay people on RW, though, according to The Advocate. I’m predicting hellacious catfights between the black woman who refers to herself in the third person a lot and the Asian woman who thinks all men want her and all women envy her.

Addicted? No, I’m not addicted. I’ve been watching for nine years and I’d know if I was addicted.

I don’t normally watch that show. In fact I don’t really like MTV, but I guess I will have to watch this one. One of my best friends is on it. He is the guy from Texas named Kevin.


Which one is Kevin in your characterization of them?

Well, I feel a LITTLE better; this is only my third season. And I have “excuses,” as lame as they are. I am happy to add, though, that I have never watched “Road Rules” and intend to keep my record unblemished.

I actually watched a few minutes of the casting special, long enough to heartily detest everyone on it. Yes, I did notice and was revolted by those two particular women, Otto . . . I do hope we have at least one hateful manipulative bastard/bitch this year, and someone as adorable as Mormon Girl from New Orleans.

Manhattan—You bring the handcuffs, or shall I?

I’m there with you too, godammit. Although I don’t watch any other ‘reality show’, for some reason I try to watch Real World. I miss shows here and there, but get sucked back in durring marathons. Another name for said marathons is ‘Tim’s Lost Weekend’. Bastards. Oh well, try not to fight it and it wont hurt so bad.


I’m a 40+ year-old male who has watched just about every episode of every season (hangs head in shame).

Did anyone see the recent reunion show? One of the funniest TV moments I’ve seen this year is when the infamous “Puck” threw a hissy fit at the photo shoot (couple other cast members were threatening to kick his ass). Puck stalked off the set toward his mother – who was holding what looked like an Old Milwaukee beer can – Puck took a swig and obeyed his mom when she said, “go back there right now and get your picture taken.” What a scream.

I just moved, and haven’t gotten cable yet…have I missed any of the new season yet??? I am such an addict to that show. So far I watched just about every episode from every season, except for Miami and Boston, which I didn’t care for too much. My favorite so far has got to be Seattle, just because I fell in love with Janet. I need to get a life, I tell ya!

Article in today’s Salon about how this season will suck even more than the previous seasons:


I’ve never watched this thing, so I can’t comment.

But I WOULD like to come over to the Hellfire to watch manny hogtie you, if that’s okay with the both of you.

I promise I’ll just sit quietly in the corner with my box of crackerjacks.

Damn it all - I’ll be watching it too. I’ve yet to miss a season. What is it about this show? I am wondering why they didn’t do one in Atlanta or Chicago though. Anyone got any ideas?

::hangs head in shame::

The last time I paid any attention to “The Real World” was the Miami cast, and the main reason I did was because I thought the Latina was pretty hot.

In fact—THAT’S where I’m going RIGHT NOW! It’s 10 o’clock.


Oooohhh I loved New Orleans. One of the better seasons, IMO. Right up there with Seattle.

I know a guy in the current NY season, too. Friend of a friend-- the guy with the big 'fro.

I always liked the fact that I watched the first one WAY back when because when ever somebody starts raving about reality TV and I can always say “Eh! I did that thing 10 years ago, and I have no interest in it anymore.” and quickly extricate myself from a conversation intended to convince me to watch shows like that. And thus not feel any social pressure like I’m missing out on this phenomina. I did it and got out raspberry
Although I did watch Hawaii because I live … well smack between where they worked and where they lived.

I got sick a few years back and watched a marathon of the San Francisco one with Puck (something about Puck and boogers), the Med Student, The 25 (?) year old conservative republican Catholic virgin hottie, the somewhat pathetic comic book artist, a musician, a gay guy I think, and probably some others I’m forgetting. I was hooked real bad.

I thought the Miami one sort of stunk up the joint and I stopped regularly watching it after that. I did a little Hawaiian and a little New Orleans. Too many self-immolating young women.

I’ve watched all the past shows. Like POLISH SAUSAGE it’s the only “reality” show I watch.

This one should be a real hoot.

I predict—Everyone will end up fighting with CORAL. To me she’s an up-tight hypocrite who’ll talk behind your back. I feel that SHE thinks she’s “ballsy”, but she’s just plain RUDE. MALIK? appears to already be looking at her a bit askance. Wonder if they’ll get into it? I think he’s capable of taking her down.

Potentially interesting one----the chick from the getto. (sorry, don’t know her name yet.) I wanna see what she’s all about.

Well, I watched it . . . Am I growing up, or was it incredibly dull? It wasn’t even interesting seeing the New York locales, as I’d just seen them myself a couple hours ago.

The Dopers’ friends Kevin and Big-Fro Guy seemed nice enough, but everyone else is a washout. Either no discernable personality at all, or totally abhorrent. The fight between Bigoted White Guy and Obnoxious Black Girl was less “interesting” than “vaguely annoying.” And how shy-making for Kevin, having Drama Queen humping his leg all night!

Unless they spice it up some, I think I will give it a miss.

Episode 1–boring!

I give them no more than 14 weeks to improve or else I’m not watching it anymore.

And to TexasSpur, Kevin is one half of the cute squeaky-clean couple who will hook up and then live to regret it.

Coral’s angry young black woman act is wearing thin, but Dorky White Guy should have apologized a lot sooner. Or, more correctly, they should have edited in his apology a lot sooner. How many times do they think we need to hear Coral dissing him on the phone?

Looking forward to seeing the 18 year old white girl get corrupted.