I have been working on a garden this spring. To be honest, it’s not much of a garden, and many Serious Gardeners would probably piss themselves laughing at it, but it’s still a garden. Specifically, I’m trying to grow a few vegetables to offset the rising cost of food - since I’m seriously underemployed I have the time to do this, although very little money.
When I discovered a cat was using my hard-labor-prepared garden beds (no money for a rototiller, so I’m breaking sod and cultivating with hand tools) as his personal latrine my fury blazed like the Yellowstone supervolcano in full eruption mode. Yes, rationally I know it’s just a dumb cat doing what cats do, but emotionally it was THREAT TO FOOD SUPPLY LOOMING FAMINE KILL KILL KILL!
Animals lovers, fear not - I honked the car horn at it and it ran off.
It’s a black Felix domesticus. People keep asking me if it’s a pet. How the FUCK should I know? I can’t get within 10 feet of it. It doesn’t have a collar, but that’s nothing unusual with pet cats. I don’t care if it’s a pet or not, it’s destroying my vegetables every time it takes a shit and digs around trying to bury it. It’s doing that at least once a day.
I have tried noise. I tried barriers. But keep in mind I have almost no money. I looked into animal repellants and ALL of them said “do not use on food crops”. Well “food crops” is exactly what he is shitting on. Literally.
Someone said “Buy a live trap”. HELLO? No money, remember? That’s why the garden is vegetables and not flowers this year. Are you going to buy it for me? No? Then shut the fuck up.
I have been given the list of several “pest control” companies. HELLO? No money. These people do not work for free.
Some asshole said “Well, why don’t you set up a really litterbox for it and maybe it will use that instead”? What the holy fuck? I don’t want a goddamned pet cat! Oh, and, by the way - are YOU paying for the litterbox and the resulting need for a constant supply of litter? No? HELLO? No money. Oh, and by the way - are YOU going to come by and maintain this litterbox? No? Then shut the fuck up. I don’t want or need a goddamned pet cat at this point in my life.
I called the county animal control. Explained there is a cat problem and the nature of same. No, I have no clue if it’s a pet or not, can’t get closer than 10 feet. Frankly, I don’t give a damn. I WANT IT GONE. Yes, it would be nice if we could remove said pestilent vermin without hurting it, I’m basically a nice person. I have nothing against cats as a group, I’ve had pet cats I’ve loved very much, but THIS cat I hate, I loathe, I want gone gone GONE!