Goddamned Hay Fever

Cock-blasting fuckstacking cuntlick cock piss shitfucker allergies can lick the crustiest of my ass hairs. I’ve been fucking sniffling and honking for a whore fucking week fuck, and my nose is sore from me fucking blowing it and wiping the fucking shit-blasting assfucker snot off my goddamned sneezy wheezy fucking face.

My goddamned motherfucking corpse-felching cuntwheeling histamines, or whatever the fuck it fucking is that fucking does this to me EVERY. FUCKING. AUTUMN. can fucking lick the scrotum of a fucking dead tranvestite whore in a dumpster and can suck my big fucking cock, too.

And you know who else can fucking jam a fucking razor blade right into both fucking nostrils and then snort them right the fuck out into their own fucking ass after being bent all the way around in a fucking brake press? The manufacturers of all these motherfucking anus-snorting pussy-stink fucklick douchedrinking fuckity-fuck “antihistamines,” Claritin and Reactine and Aerius and all those fucking bullshit sugar fucking pills that don’t do an aunt-raping fucking thing. Even fucking Benafuckingdryl is just little pink pills of shitfucking bullshit 'cause they just make me sleepy so that I fucking sleep and don’t notice that I’m still fucking fuck fuck fuck sneezy and wheezy and theres still fucking snot dipping out of my nose and then I wake up at 2 AM with my fucking nose still fucking stuffed, and it’s been stuffed and spewing a motherfucking cumlicking gallon of fucking snot every ten fucking minutes so fuck.

Oh, and fuck!

Well, I’m glad to hear your hay fever is acting up, because that explains what the hell is going on with MINE. I thought hay fever was for spring, but I’ve had to snort my nasal spray every day for the last week or have my nose run off my face.

I was with you up to this point.

See if your doctor will give you Singular - stops my allergies in it’s tracks!

When I was 15 an allergist tested me against a couple-dozen allergens. When the nurse jabbed me with one a muscle reaction jerked the needle out of my hand and across the room.

“Just out of curiousity, what was that?”


“Not surprising.”

Since then my sensitivity to the pollens that should cause a reaction have declined. I still react to the allergens I know exist in my home, but I’m used to most of the most of the rest.

Which does not include cats. BIG :frowning:

Completely wasted on me. :frowning:

Yeah, I’ve been having that week too. I completely feel your pain.

I agree with what this cunt says.

ETA because it’s October, I’m in Scotland. What. The. Fuck. is making my eyes stream at this time of year.

My husband has/had HORRIBLE allergies (grasses, mostly), but about a year and a half ago he started these shots - first it was a 1/100th of the ‘allergen’ mixture once a week, then 1/10th, then full. This went on for about six months (and started about eight months before allergy season). Then it moved to once every two weeks, then once a month. It was a hassle, but he hardly has any allergies this year. It seems to be really worth it.

I’m not sure how expensive it is (it was covered for us), but could be something to look in to.

I get it more in the spring and summer. I have it bad if I mow the lawn. Bad enough that I feel like I have a virus. (I now pay someone to mow my lawn, but before I did that I used to wear a Darth Vader style face mask)

Fall isn’t too bad for me, but you have my sympathies.

Despite the OP’s admirable vituperation, the topic makes me . . . ah ahhh ahhhh. . . moved from The BBQ Pit to Mundane Pointless Stuff I Must Share.

Pit Moderator

Yes, fuck histamines, or whatever accident of history made us evolve to use them for both “allergic reactions” and “staying awake”.

But at least I’m not living at home in the middle of corn country anymore. September used to mean I would lurch around with itchy, painful, red 28 Days Later eyes wearing my glasses that fuck up my depth perception because of course it was impossible to wear contacts, and usually I would just give up and stay in bed with ice packs on my eyes because it was that bad.

I guess I should be grateful that whatever I’m allergic to here (in my college town) just gives me the respiratory symptoms.

Respiratory symptoms. At a small college that’s positively seething with Swine Flu Panic. Yeah, I’m a bit of a pariah at the moment.

This year the fall hay fever season is a killer. Itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing fits and interrupted sleep. Symptoms are breaking through the Zyrtec, which usually knocks them dead.

Can’t wait until the first frost that kills the damn weeds… but them it will be (almost) winter. Sigh…

From what the news says, the weeklong severe headache most allergy sufferers I know (and me too) in this state at least have had are not in fact due to pollen, but a vast over-production of mold due to all that goddamn rain we got from May through July. I’m sure the pollen isn’t helping, though!

8th day, on my second 9 hit box of frova for the damned eternal migraine …
maybe i can pay someone to cut off my head, freeze it and use it for batting practice, probably wouldnt hurt as much. I get a couple good hours before the damned pain comes back, then it is back into the dark room.

and because we can use invectives even if we arent in the pit, FUCK.

Preach it.

I get allergy shots every 3 weeks, take 24-hr antihistamines, and this time of year and in the spring I also use nose spray and eye drops. So other than my nose running, my ears plugging up, my eyes itching and my skin itching, I’m FINE.

Fucking allergies.