Goddamnit..... Security Moms

Can we come up with a brief name for this one?

Single, childless middle-class white who no one on either side pays any attention to.

Then again, maybe it’s better if we don’t.

Joe Sixpack?

Joe Sixpack brings up a slightly more working class image, for me at least. If you are a single middle-class childfree white person, you’re probably a Yuppie. If you are a married middle-class childfree white person, you are probably a DINK (dual income no kids).

So if you’re single I guess you’d be a “SINK?”

Oh, great. I’d never noticed that before. Dammit! Now I won’t be able to get that out of my head. Well, while we’re at it, “people” would also work just as well. I mean, if you’re running for PotUS and you talk about what “people” want, I think we’re going to get it.

Mother-In-Law Fanciers? :eek:

How about the ‘Stupid’–

–The ones who still believe that Sadaam and Osama were in cahoots in the 9/11 planning.

–The ones who still believe that there were WMDs in Iraq.

–The ones who believed that Spain chickened out from the alliance–even though they deployed more troops in Afghanistan in order to search for Osama.

Yep, SINK (I like that) or yuppie. I’ll go with that. And I meant to say, “single, childless middle-class white guy…” but I don’t see a lot of attention being paid to single, childless middle-class white women either.

Dammit, why isn’t anyone pandering to meeee.

You’re so right, especially since everyone knows that the primary issue for women voters is which candidate has the best hair!

Four letters isn’t short enough for you?

– furt

I complained about this too, but was told it was a consequence of McCain-Feingold. Does anyone know if that’s correct?

What about the 18-30 year olds now called, cell phone voters. :rolleyes: