Good decisions can come from bad decisions

Okay, JohnClay, you’ve been talked about this and talked about this.

Therefore, it’s the staffs decision that you are not allowed to make topics that are about any of the following anymore: Your wife, your personal relationships with others, sex, or sexuality.

If you make any more threads relating to the above, they will be closed and you WILL be warned.
Lastly, this

…is against the rules. You make another account and any mod finds out about it and it’s an INSTAban, no questions asked. So unless you want to take a huge risk over it, I suggest you don’t do it if you wish to continue posting here.

This topic is closed. If a mod closes a topic for a reason, you don’t go and open another and talk about the one that was just closed. Consider this your first warning for ignoring mod instruction.
Like I said above, do not open another thread about those four things or you will get more, possibly.