So now they can’t show an animals reproductive organs??
What’s next, clothes for animals? I am not going to dress any grizzlies in my area.
Are they afraid people would complain?
So now they can’t show an animals reproductive organs??
What’s next, clothes for animals? I am not going to dress any grizzlies in my area.
Are they afraid people would complain?
Don’t worry about grizzlies: they can still go bear.
ba da chi That was funny
Hey, it was good for shits if not giggles.
In the woods?
I watched that. I foudn it odd that Mike can say Pissed off algae but not show a animal body part.
No, that was teh Pope.
The next–and most logical–question is, What was the dog doing while its family jewels were being pixelated?
He was being trimmed. As in a haircut.
Well, I hope if I every shave my puppy on national TV I get the same consideration.
Next they’ll be pixilating a chicken’s breasts.
It was a Lot less offensive than the red slime.
That’s hot.
Probably, they did it because the dog got a stiffy, and they figured no one really needed to see a big red dog wang on their TV.
Anyone who has watched the chase scene at the end of The Sandlot would pay good money for judicial use of a blur across the scrota of a canine.
They blurred it that one time Mike jerked off the horse.
But yeah, I thought that was just sad. I was expecting 8 little blur points for the nipples as well.
The other night I caught part of Dr 90210. A woman in the process of turning to a man was having a breast reduction and reshaping. At first they blur the whole breast. After the breast meat is removed they just blur the nipples (but they can show the slab of bloody breast meat on the surgical table). Then the Doctor does a trim job on the nipple. They blur the nipple until it is trimmed, then they unblur it.
WTF? Correct me if I’m wrong but it is STILL A WOMANS NIPPLE!
Just because you snip a little off the end doesn’t change this fact.
America is prude.
Fuckin’ whatever. When I was a kid I used to see lions on PBS, rending the innards from wildebeests and making a giant pile of gore. I haven’t turned into a mass murderer or anything, unless you count beating the crap out of Japan so I can get their oil and build a starship to Alpha Centauri.
Oh, right, I forgot that graphic violence is okey-dokey, but sex is a thought crime. Sex is the Devil’s work, intruding lustfully on God’s sacred procreation. If women see a dog running around with a hardon, pretty soon they will abandon their husbands and wave their asses at every dog in town.
Your dog has genitals!
You must’ve glued them on.
Animals are pure, and aren’t complicated by such lustful things as desire or pleasure.
babCOCK Ranch… gigglegigglegiggle