Good News About Johnny Cash!

I can’t find an on-line site, but Johnny apparently gave a surprise performance a couple of days ago near June’s hometown. According to the newspaper account I read, he gave a fine performance, and talked a lot about the pain of losing June, so it looks like he might be able to pull through this after all! Let’s hope so, artists like him are too few and far between.

Indeed. What a great artist. Even for those of us very impressed with his accomplishments, this link at his web site is just amazing. Amongst other feats, the man has 45 albums currently in print (of 500 albums he’s been on). How many albums does the average artist even make?

I’ll keep sending those good vibes Johnny’s way. I’m sure he won’t tour again, but if he plays in Nashville or Memphis, I’ll be there.

Thanks for posting this. I’d been worrying about him, how he was holding up.

Drop me a note beforehand, and I’ll be happy to show you where he lives when he’s in town. (It’s rather modest, by big star standards, and Roy Orbison used to live next door.)

I know little of his music, but since he is in the news of late I have been listening.

“Hurt” from American IV is super, but (oddly) his version of “Tennessee Flat Top Box” is very addictive.

A super voice and by all accounts a fine man.

In the mid-1960’s I lived in the same small apartment complex as Johnny Cash. Those were some of his hard times even though he was already fairly well-known. He spent a lot of time just walking. Absolutely the lonliest looking man I’ve ever seen. Now I don’t know of anyone in this town that doesn’t hold him in high regard.