Now that spring has sprung here in the southern hemisphere, one’s thoughts tend to meander towards meanderings…I’m going camping in a couple of weeks, and hopefully every weekend or so after that for the foreseeable future.
Because of house moves etc, I had naff-all gear left, so have spent much time on Ebay and Gumtree (our equivalent of CraigList) to get the necessaries. Tent? Check. Gas bottle and stove? Check. Table, chairs etc etc. The only thing I haven’t been able to get is a cast-iron camp oven. They’ve either been far too pricey, or too far away, so I had resigned myself to being oven-less until after Xmas.
Today I had an unexpected day off, so thought I’d hit the Op Shops to get some minor items like melamine plates, old frypan, a wok, stuff that I won’t care if it gets grungy on a campfire. At my last shop (I’d done four by then) I bought a picnic cutlery set for a $1, and was walking out of the store intending to head home, when what should I find but a CAMP OVEN sitting next to the door. And at $20, it was mine. Serendipitous or what??
What have been your good scores of late?