I grant you that they’re just going to switch to a different car, but just as crime shifts when a housing project is torn down, that didn’t stop them from tearing down Cabrini-Green. And what a well-deserved death this is. The demise of Mercury spelled the end of the Grand Marquis, Lincoln no longer makes the Town Car, and now the last vestige of the Ford Panther platform is dead, dead, dead.
A few more years and the hated symbol of arbitrary traffic enforcement and state-sanctioned fundraising will be gone from our streets forever, hopefully replaced by something easily identifiable as a cop car. It is my dream that never again will I be fooled into thinking that a cop is lurking, looking to pull me over for a smudged taillight, overly-large license plate protector, or something equally petty when it’s actually some grandma walking her car for the evening.
It brings a smile to my face just thinking about it.
I will be very surprised if Carbon Motors sells more than a trivial number of cars. Last I checked, municipal and county budgets across the country were pretty tight, and there’s no way that low-volume, purpose-built, BMW-diesel-powered thing is going to be affordable in the face of the Charger and Taurus.
My brother has driven nothing but Crown Vics for the past 20 years. They all have gone over 200,000 miles, with almost no problems. They drive well and are cheap to maintain. 12,000 munipal police departments can’t be wrong!
And the Dodge Chargers (that the PDs have opted to replace their Crown Vics) are
giving lots of problems.
A sad day for Canada. That was the last gasp of the St Thomas auto plant. Granted, they’ve known this was coming since 2009, and they have severance packages and help, but still…
Actually it’s the opposite thing which is the new trend that makes me wary: stealth cop cars-i.e. without a light bar on top or even perhaps completely unmarked. Recognizing a Crown Vic’s headlights in my rear view mirror (albeit at an almost subconscious level) saved my ass once-got a funny feeling that I had better not exceed the speed limit, and yep after checking me out for a few moments he went on around me.
I agree with the blue-hair-cop-seeming sentiment; hated it! However, nowdays, the gestapo are driving all kinds of vehicles and harvesting revenue as voraciously as ever. Meanwhile, real criminals operate with impunity, because all those roided out jack-booted douches don’t want to dirty their hands with actual crimes.
this. A crown vic (and grand marquis) were cars that were tried and true. Very little in the way of major design updates and changes. That’s a good thing for a car, even if the lack of design changes might bore the hell out of the buying public.
I like these cars. And they deliver one nice ride. True, they’ve caused me to hit my brakes more than once (especially those who like to install the drivers side spot light) but for a reliable car that is great to rent for a long trip, they will be missed.
yep…ex-Houston police cruiser…111000 on the clock,and will spank some ass when i wind her out!!! People move out of my way like Moses parting the red sea!!
You know, I’m still kind of shocked that I’ve never read a rant by a Crown Vic owner complaining that idiots keep slowing down when s/he gets behind them. Then I think, does your average crown vic owner frequent message boards? Hmm.
No, it’s part of the fun. You hit the speed limit with one AND SO DOES EVERYBODY ELSE! God, it’s great, that feeling of power! And I drive a grandma car!
Hove you given any thought at all about how this impact Arab-American relations? This is where all those tricked-out conversion vans and crown vics go. The only other car that can all those children and wives is the Suburban. Poor Arabs will see this as America pulling back on its commitment to reasonably-price transportation for the Arab Street.
Every time he tries to get the band back together.
I haven’t seen a civilian Charger in quite a while. They’re the new cop car of choice around here. At least they *look *more bad-ass than the Grandpa barges the Crown Victoria always was - cop cars *should *be bad-ass-looking.