Goodbye to a Friend

I have this overwhelming feeling of guilt that began today as I sat listening to the words spoken at my friend’s funeral.

Here is a link to one of the many news articles honoring his death. I think he would be embarrassed at all the attention he is getting, but he deserves it.

I feel like I never told him just how much I truly cared about him and how much I appreciated all that he has done for me. God, what I would do for 10 more minutes with him.

Don, you big goofy-ass. :slight_smile:

You were always there for me no matter how busy you were, and we both know that between band practice and performances, operating your music store, your tireless job as an investigative reporter and columnist for the newspaper, your sound system jobs (you could make anyone sound good), your time was precious. Even so, you would show up on my doorstep if I even mentioned that I was going to be doing yard work or moving furniture. You were always there for me no matter what.

Thank you for the many nights we spent “doing the town”. I will never again hear the Moody Blues, Rolling Stones, or Chet Atkins, without having wonderful memories of jamming out at the concerts.

I will never forget your knack for picking out the most wonderful, little known, resturaunts that no one knew about but us. I could never explain to anyone the charm of that old Greek man playing the mouth harp for the belly dancers as we ate the lemon rice and later danced ourselves. Remember the midnight movies of Pink Floyd’s The Wall?

How can I ever thank you for the mornings I woke up, or the days I can home, to the sound of you working on my patio. You must have put in 1000 hours on that thing, not to mention the better screws you brought over (and wouldn’t let me pay for) because you did some research (ever the reporter :)) and found that they would last many more years than those we were originally using.

Two words - Utah Jazz!!! I won’t mention your driving or how your cell phone always cut out. :slight_smile:

You were always there for me when I needed a friend. You are the one who snuck into my office unseen and left the big, stuffed dog and the flowers on a day I was feeling a little down. The dog still sits where you left him.

Remember when we went on the fat free kick? The women in my office fell in love with you when you surprised me with the huge basket full of fat free goodies, well, besides the big candybar so we could cheat sometimes.

Did you ever get the passenger door fixed in your junker truck? Remember how you would make yourself blush when you would joke with me and say you would never fix it because it was your way to be a gentleman and have to open the door to let me out. You never did explain the thing with the seatbelt though. Did you really have to buckle it a special way or was it your sly way to put your arm around me?

Thank you for the many thoughtful gifts you would surprise me with for no reason at all. I cherish each and every one, but most of all, the thought behind them will forever be in my heart. Jeesh, thank you for the huge discounts (well below your cost) you gave me on the guitars and equipment. Did you ever make any money?

You made me laugh with you stupid puns, but I got to hand it to you, you were the master!!!

Thank you for understanding when I tried to explain to you that we could never be more than good friends. I know that hurt, but please know that it hurt me deeply as well. You were everything I always wanted and more, but as hard as I tried, I didn’t fall in love with you. Just think, if I had, you would have been stuck with me instead of Andrea. She loved you dearly and I thank God everyday that you found someone who could give you as much love to you as you had to offer. I just wish the two of you could have had more time together and at least made it to your first anniversary.

Thank you for not letting our feelings take away from our priceless friendship.

Most of all Don, I thank you for being in my life. I can truly say that knowing you has made me a better person. I will never forget you. I know you would be saddened and worried if you knew how much I have been hurting and crying since your death, but I promise you that I will try to pull it together. I promise.

You would have loved the services. The music was fantastic! I could almost hear you up there jamming on your git and singing lead. Who else can boast of not only bringing together the finest musicians in Utah, if not the entire west coast, but making them cry? ha ha They still couldn’t hold a candle to your talent. You would have been impressed at the turnout, more than a few hundred if not more. I don’t think it would have surprised you though, you knew how people felt.

How can I ever repay you for what you have given me?

I love you Don, and will miss you forever,


That was truely beautiful!

Mistress Kricket

What a wonderful tribute to a friend.
I am truly sorry for your loss.


I have great faith in fools, self-confidence my friends call it.—
Edgar Allan Poe

My condolences on your loss, Diane.

Your words were lovely and very moving. Perhaps we could all learn something from this today.

I think I’m gonna go call a couple of friends now.

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” - Anne Frank

Everything that made you friend special lives on because you remember and shared it. It’s like Sanibel’s tribute. Lives might end too soon but that doesn’t mean they’re wasted.

Peace and comfort to you, Diane. People have to give friendship to “have” friends and your tribute was one of the finest anyone could hope for.

Love is the only thing that lasts.


:: sob:: Diane, I have no words to say that would convey my deep sadness and pain at your unspeakable loss. Amazing tribute.


I have some friends I need to call…

You sing in my consciousness like a counterpoint to my life.

A little less than a year ago I lost my good friend, Larry, to Hodgkins Disease. We weren’t as close as the two of you were, but I can certainly sympathize with your loss. Condolences to you and Andrea.

How sad, yet how wonderful Diane to have known such a person. Sad that you lost him but also wonderful that he touched you life in so many ways. He’s still with you. I know that he will continue to bring a smile to your face through the years as you remember your times together. My deepest sympathy to you.

I’ve learned that if someone says something unkind about me, I must live so that no one will believe it.

Thank you, Diane, for reordering my priorities. God go with you always.

How lucky you are Diane, to have had such a wonderful person in your life. What a beautiful tribute. I’m sure he is looking down and smiling.

We are, each of us angels with only one wing,and we can only fly by embracing one another

Diane… This truly touched my heart. There’s no greater gift in life than someone’s heart that you can love…

Girlbysea (AKA: ChiefScott’s GBS)

I appreciate all the kind words. Thank you.

My condolences on your loss. Your tribute was moving.