Google Earth question

Everything I try to zoom in on appears ultra bluring and unseeable, not crisp like the examples they show. Any way to focus this better?

Zoom in on somewhere with better resolution. Look for Google Headquarters, Mile High stadium, Washington DC, etc.

A) Some locations don’t have ultra-close-up maps. Chicago, NYC, bigger cities like that tend to. Podunk Downstate Illinois, like where I’m from, doesn’t. It’s blurry.

B) Google Earth downloads maps dynamically. When you’re over the whole state of Illinois, for example, it downloads one big low resolution map to show you. As you zoom in, it tells the server you need the closer-in maps, and downloads them accordingly. Thus, if you don’t have a superfast connection, you might have to let the program sit for a bit so it has a chance to download the maps (once it does, I believe they’re cached, so you don’t have to do it again).

Some parts of the world are rather uninteresting and thus have no ultra-close zoom images, like some places in rural Ireland. :rolleyes:

Other places have important strategic/tactical value, thus detail is purposely obscured

For example, near Arlington, Va. a circular section is blurred/pixelated.

38 deg. 55’ 17" N, 77deg. 04’ 00" W, elev. 260 ft.
(can someone post a screencap of this, please?)
Of course, this rule isn’t absolute…just type in Area 51 and see what I mean!

Hmm. It certainly is. I supposed that this must be the reason.

Funny how the White House and the Pentagon isn’t.

Can somebody find CIA Headquarters?

The city of Oxford is very blurry and underrepresented, but worse, the Thai island of Phi Phi, which previously had a 3D topographical profile and everything, just disappeared a few months ago. Nothing there but sea now. How could this happen?

Global warming/sea level rise?

I hope not, my friend just emailed me from it.

More discussion of the pixellation at

Good morning, CIA,
I have a feeling that it’s going to be a wonderful day…

Maybe a silly question, but why is there such a HUGE carpark around it :confused:

Mile High was torn down 5 years ago. Can you still see it on Google Earth or are you talking about Invesco? (I don’t have the program at work)

One of my favorites: downtown Chicago. Use the rotate button, and it looks like you’re in a helicopter peering down over the skyscrapers. Vertiginous in a good way. :wink: