Google Search Help Thread

Mods, is there any chance of you pulling out the very helpful Google search guide and making it its very own sticky? I think there are enough search questions in this forum that many people are still unaware of how easy/useful Google is in searching the boards, and the posts that demonstrate how to do it are buried in one of the FAQ threads.

You can find an excellent guide in the Technical FAQs:

I know - that’s why I mentioned it in my OP. What my request is is to take that guide, and make it it’s own separate thread.

Apologies, I obviously skipped through your wording too quickly.

How to search the SDMB using Google” is now its very own sticky thread.


TIP: If you just use “” in your search instead of “”, it will search all of Cecil’s columns and the Staff Reports, in addition to the forums, all at once.

Awesome, thanks! I hope it helps out.

Nice tip! Feel free to add it to the sticky.

Or not…

Looks like it disappeared.

I actually would have, but it was/is locked. Feel free to add it yourself, though!

The thread exists, but I think it exists back in 2009. Did the sticky not stick?

I split the post off into its own thread not noticing that, since the old thread was locked, the new one ended up locked, too. I stickied the new one.

Voltaire pointed out that the thread was locked. When I unlocked it, I accidentally unstuck it, too.

It is now stickied and unlocked.

This is why we shouldn’t send a wombat to do a mod’s job.

Sticky it to him Twicks.

Ouch! Burned by the Twickster! Better be careful there, young lady. I’ve heard that wombats bite :wink:

Oh, they’re okay.


No worries, Gary. Just ask **Twickster **how her Zombie sticky is doing…

I haven’t forgotten, I’ve just been swamped with paid work. #lifeofafreelancer

Hope to get to it by the end of next week.

I only bring it up because you were making fun of Gary:slight_smile:
I’m behind on most of my projects, and don’t even have a good excuse. #lifeofalazybum