About one hour ago I made a post to this forum to discuss the problem of time outs and I asked some general questions. That is not the problem I wish to now discuss.
A few minutes ago, I came to this forum and decided to make another post in the same thread. The post I wanted to make described another problem I was having and I will explain that problem at the end of the post.
Unfortunately, although I was fairly certain that I had written that post and posted it to this board, I could find no trace of my post or my thread. I suppose it might always be possible that I somehow neglected to post that thread. But I just want to make that problem known in case other people may have it as well.
I will now discuss the problem that I tried to post a few minutes ago. Here it is:
I wanted to ask for some advice about a problem I’m having. I attempted to use the “Advanced Search” tool in order to see if there may already be a thread discussing this problem so that I wouldn’t make a duplicate thread. But no matter how many times I tried to sue (Oops! … subconscious brain fart) … use the search tool it just kept timing out.
I started off by supplying a phrase like, “How to get rid of some very tiny flying insects in my home”
On my first try, I tried to search all forums, search through all posts (not just the titles), search during the past year. I figured I’d begin by making the most general kind of search and if I found too many, I could then just try a more restrictive search. But no matter how much I restricted the search …
i.e I changed the search time down to just the past few days, I searced titles only, anyway, I hope you will get the idea. But no matter how much I restricted the search, it just kept timing out.
I am posting this in case the cause is some kind of problem that will cause every one to be unable to use the search too. I would expect the problem will be something silly that I may be doing. At least I hope so.
I do not expect to get an answer to this post - unless other people begin to find their searches all time out as well. I’m just posting this as a courtesy to the admins of this board so they may know it could be possible there is a problem.