Google spreadsheet question

I have a column of numbers and I want to add 10 to each number in the column. In Excel, as I recall, it’s been many years, you could highlight the cells and create a formula. How would I do this in Google? After it is done I want to remove the formula so the numbers don’t change in that column on down.

Do you need the new numbers to be in the same column / cells as the original numbers? That is something that Google Sheets doesn’t seem to be able to do but I remember you could do it in Excel by special pasting a formula.

Otherwise, the easiest way would be to create a new column of numbers that are the original cell + 10 but I suspect that’s not what you are after?

I could do that and then copy the column back over the origninal one

Yes, you can.

Do you know the formula I would use? I was pretty sure this could be done, but didn’t know how

If your column of numbers stars at A1 and ends at A 20, and your temp column is B;
In B1, enter “=A1+10” and press enter
Then click back on B1 and select copy (ctrl C)
Then highlight the rest of column B (ie, click on B2 then shift+click on B20) and
paste the formula (ctrl V).
Then copy column B back over column A (using ctrl + shift + V to paste values only)

thank you, that is very helpful