Google Street View updated me!

It’s all coming together, now…

The picture of my house says “Image date May 2011” down at the bottom. But I know for a fact that I planted blue and white lobelia in a big planter urn just a couple of months ago, and there they are in the photo. They blew the date on that one.

Maybe that’s actually the date the image was updated, rather than the date it was captured?

Google car is more dangerous than Weinermobile. I know someone who drives one of the Google cars, and she’s had several people crash into her or veer off the road when they see her.

Actually, that’s not a stupid idea. They do go down virtually every street.

My part of Japan doesn’t have street view yet. But in the aerial shots,** two buildings that I have named** are properly labeled in their respective locations. :smiley:

JpnGal’s parents built apartments on some family land and I was asked to come up with the names of the buildings. :slight_smile:

Caught a weird Street View “update” oddity.

I wanted to look at the house I lived in when I was 2. Street viewed it. Ick. Winter shot, which almost always means really hazy pics due to fog/mist/whatever on the camera cover. Clicked one “step” over. Suddenly summer. Nice clean shot. One more step. Winter again.

All of the shots along that stretch of road are winter, except that one good one.

Checked the dates: winter is December, “summer” is October two months earlier.

So, they did a pass, nice clean shots, apparently. Then another one just 2 months later that are horrible. And replaced almost all the good shots with bad ones.

Furthermore, this is a really podunk out of the way tiny place. So some Google schmucks got stuck driving down the same sticksville road a couple months after someone already did it.

(Checked the next town north of there, where I lived after that. Almost the same deal. One block or so is summer, the rest is winter.)

Probably one was a corrupted image, or was flagged by some annoying person as invading their privacy or whatever, so had to be replaced with a non-problematic shot. Still, it does seem odd that they’d choose the ugly shots over the pretty ones. Unless it was the inverse of the above, and almost the whole street’s worth of images got corrupted.

My hometown, Radford VA, is too small and unimportant for all streets to have been photographed. However, if you go to google maps and search for 52 Bond St, New York, NY, you can see my “nephew-in-law” sitting on the stoop. Hey Max!!