Gosh, they missed me - MMP

Bobbio what on earth made you even doubt we’d wanna see a wrecked truck and knees? :smiley: I suggest asking for permission before posting the knees though. Just might make things easier all around, just sayin’.

BioRosie you’re postin’ a might chiperer this week. YAY! Here’s hopin’ things just keep gettin’ better and better and better. Of course we all know it will cause we have BioTigs as an example.

I am on JoeDawg’s list. See, earlier this morning he was out in the backyard doin’ his thing and I needed to go run a couple errands. So, thinks I, I could do that while he’s out and about cause it ain’t like he can be anywhere else but the backyard. Off I go then for bout half an hour. When I get back I hear some very indignant snorts over on the deck. I open the door and he comes runnin’ in, stops, turns around and glares at me and gives me a snort. I have a feeling it will take several treats and some real quality laptime in order to be forgiven. Just now I walked by the sofa where he is currently getting his daily regimen of sofa time and got a snort.

Oh and I have applied for three jobs this morning.

Yay for you Haze! Now, see, my telling you to get in there and get busy and finish that thesis paid off didn’t it? Good luck on the teachin’ gig too!

The love bugs have not been bad here at all. Matter of fact, I haven’t seen any! Yay for no love bugs! Course with my luck we’ll have a June infestation now that I’ve said that.

Love bugs.

WetUrsine, are you CERTAIN JoeDawg is a she-WA-wa (pronunciation courtesy of one of the most laughable episodes of Judge Joe Brown I ever saw), and not a cat? Sure sounds like you’re staff, and not a member of his pack.

swampy , you think YOU’RE on a list? I had to lock three cats into two separate bedrooms this morning - boys upstairs, and Evil, Fat Scarlett in the basement.

Why the basement? because that’s where she runs when she’s scared, or when people come over. So what I did, was in advance of the painters coming over, I put her litter box, food and water down there. Five minutes later, the doorbell rings and as I was on the way to answer it, she flew past me, into the basement, then I calmly closed the door.

She’s gonna HATE me later.

HA! Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. And where you been? We missed you!

Me is posting from work. I feel all rebellious now.

MBG, that is so going to be the title of my course. “College Comp 101: Drunken Posts and Lap Dances.” I’ll be the most popular instructor around. Muahaha.

Morning all. I actually got up before noon. I even got dressed! I’m on job time now, instead of vacation time. I’m waiting to hear back from the recruiter, so now I have to keep my cell on. I hate cell phones. I hate waiting, too. I actually fixed breakfast this morning, instead of scrounging. It helped that I went grocery shopping last night. And I am definitely unable to process caffeine anymore. I don’t feel like going through getting acclimated to it again, either. Decaf for me from here on. The worst part is no more iced tea. :frowning:

Sounds like the relatives were in rare form, Nava. I’m looking forward to the pics.

Swampy, sounds like the spoiling of JoeDawg is complete, and he now believes he’s a cat. :stuck_out_tongue:

I dunno, Haze, if they have to take a class on it, maybe they’re not ready to be college students yet.

I can tell it’s Monday just by the phone calls I got this morning. I so wishe I could drink at work - it would make the day more fun.

oh what I wouldn’t give for a nice cold Mike’s Cranberry Lemonade

It’s 1:30, and no laundry has been started. I did get some quarters, stop by Target($0 exit fee :stuck_out_tongue: ), and browse Borders.

swampy, is JoeDawg wagging left or right? I’ve been getting left wags all day(ungrateful, spoiled little monster).

Jahdra, drinking is easy, lapdancing is hard [sub][sub]<snerk>[/sub][/sub]. Kids need the exercise these day anyway.

BioTigs, my right knee hurts, too. Thanks.

rigs, does this mean we can look forward to dunken prosts from you now? :smiley:

LiLi, you need a holiday to do that?

Just a couple pics

In the first one, what The Nephew had just discovered is that, when you’re full and there’s a table within adequate distance, you can put your feet up. This:
feels good,
makes your Mom make mad noises,
gives your Dad the giggles,
and makes your Uncle laugh so hard he can barely breathe (he’s looking at his Uncle, in the pic).

He wasn’t paying much attention to his mother’s instructions to put his feet down. She thinks that he understands language; while he does, it’s not quite well enough to know that “put your feet down” means, well, “put your feet down” without someone grabbing the feet and putting them down. Once his father was able to stop giggling long enough to do the actual putting-down, the kid tried it again, got a “no” and got the message.

The rest of the time I was busy doing stuff and didn’t take pics :smiley: I know, excuses, excuses!

Ratsie, I did apologize :frowning:

Haze, does that mean we get to scare you with Tales From Review Hell now?

swampie, you’d be proud of Mom. On Thursday when she arrived home she found that the lift was being fixed: she lives in the 10th floor and the lift is old, so it gets so many visits with the mechanic we should just offer the guy free room and boarding. So she called me to read her the grocery list and deemed that the only essentials were the Spanish cookies I wanted to bring here and the toilet paper.

Bother. I just scorched tomato soup to the bottom of a pot. Drat. I hope it comes off.
Nephew is so cute!
Well, db, around here you can only buy fireworks right near fireworks-intensive holidays, so the amount of fireworks stupidity is limited. Drunkeness occurs all the time, but especially in summer. And winter. And… well, spring and fall.

You want fireworks madness, go to Valencia. Not just the town, the whole province plus the two provinces north and south of it. Those people celebrate anything with fireworks. And if there isn’t any good excuse for having fireworks, they’ll have fireworks so the rockets don’t have time to spoil :stuck_out_tongue:

Bobbio I am the nanny. JoeDawg views me as somebody who feeds, waters, lets him out when needed and skritches on demand. He communicates his needs by holding up a paw (skritch me!), bouncin’ around (let me out!), bouncin’ around and snortin’ (let me off the couch I need water!) and just snorts (either meaning, feed me or we are displeased). It’s up to me to interpret all these and do accordingly.

welby I meant to say earlier glad you’re feeling better. Too bad about the oj on the motherboard, though I am curious as to how you managed that. Oh wait, I’ll bet you use a laptop/notebook.

Nava mom got you cookies and tp? She’s like the jakely jakest mom ever! Oh, and da nephew is a lil’ cutie.

doggio I shall pay more attention to left and right wags now. That’s just weird!

MBG with cats how ever do you know when you are and are not on The List?

Ow, ow, owww… I hurt.

DH has been wanting a backyard clothesline, so last week, I picked up one of those things that looks like a TV antenna or a naked umbrella. I really didn’t want to mess with anything like a rope tied to the house and the fence as the house is stucco and I loathe drilling holes into stucco. The other end would be iffy as well. The fence can barely hold up its own weight, and sections of it are collapsing. Maybe next year we’ll be able to get a HELOC and let the house buy its own dang fence.

Long story short, it was very tough digging in the dense, rocky dirt, even with a post hole digger to make a hole to set the mounting sleeve in a suitable lump of concrete. My shoulders are feeling every jab into the ground.

Wound among this was washing the truck. It was filthy, and we were out of car wash stuff, so off to the store for that. While there, I saw a “clay” kit. Claying the paint has been on my mind as the paint was rough with all of the lovely gritty stuff that falls out of the air, so I get the stuff.

Cue the Karate Kid montage… First it’s rub-a-dub-dub with soap and water to get the dirt off, dry it off, then it’s clay on, clay off. Miracle stuff! The paint goes from feeling like sandpaper to smooth. Dry that off. Finally, wax on, wax off. Took several hours all together, but now, the truck glows. Seriously - it didn’t look this good when we bought it - up close, the paint looks liquid. And my arms hurt.

The weekend score: Base for clothesline mounted, truck scrubbed, polished and waxed, hose fixed. Arms and shoulders not on speaking terms with the rest of me.

Hi guys! Great OP, Nava! Ya gotta love the little ones.

Today his Mr Rebo’s birthday, and we both took a vacation day. He wanted to work on the house, the madman! I think something is seriously wrong with him, I really do. :stuck_out_tongue:

So I made an appointment to get Ernie and Lucy their shots and stuff. And check for heartworms. I have been a bad mommy. I didn’t have Lucy on heartworm preventative, and now she has heartworms. They are keeping her for the day while they start her on low dosage of the preventative to make sure she tolerates it. Then we will continue treatment forever, and in about 1-1/2 years she will be cured. :eek: Or I could spend $550 to get the major injection treatment, but the doctor wants to do this first.

Poor Ernie had to be held down to be given his shots, and also have his ears examined. He has a yeast infection in his ears, and we have drops to administer twice a day. Then he puked on the floor, and the doc wanted to keep him for observation for the day, since it could have been a reaction to the shots. I think it was probably stress, and also Mr Rebo saw him eating grass yesterday, so I’m sure he’ll be ok.

My babies are in the hospital! :frowning:

So I took the time to groom Blaze, my long haired Sheltie. He suffers so much in the summer from the heat. Last year I took him to a groomer for the first time ever, and they must have manhandled him something fierce, 'cuz he was all stove up for a whole day after. And they scraped up his belly. He’s 11 years old and fat and arthritic. So I was much more gentle with him, but he looks like crap! A very choppy job. I have no experience! But he’ll be cooler. I just won’t let the neighbors see him… :wink:

So Mr Rebo didn’t want anything for his birthday, and I feel like a bad wife! I made him his favorite meals all weekend though. Tonight will be Southern Fried Chicken, mashed potatoes with cream gravy, and peas. And German chocolate cake for dessert.

OK - I’m off to bake the cake, and get the chicken out to thaw.

Hugs for the achy, chocolate for the needy, and welcomes to the newbies!

And a big congrats! to Haze for finishing the thesis!

I have been looking at cats and dogs on Petfinder.com. This may not have been a good idea because now I want 'em all.

the PTist has been and gone - I feel better than this morning. Exercise is good. But it’s tough to be motivated. Next week a different PTist is coming - strong male type - to specifically get me confident on my stairs so I can maybe get out of the house for a little.

Nava - your mom walks up 10 flights? wow!

I’m really, really glad you’re feeling better, rosie. Keep up the good exercise-work, you hear? :smiley: Get all better and strong again.

I went by my house at lunch to see the painter’s progress.

Day-um, it looks nice not having white walls!

I sure hope drool does not hurt keyboards. I also hope Mr. Rebo knows how to “appreciate” a fine, fine meal like that! :smiley:



I only sing for the cool kids.

gotti I certainly hope DH showed “appreciation” for all that stuff. He should. Tell him I said so. :wink:

Tonight is Men’s Night at my church. Sounds all manly and macho don’t it. Actually, everybody brings a steak or whatever and whatever beverage (usually its beerverages, remember we’re Whiskypalians) and the “host” buys fixin’s like bag sallit and N.O.T. for bakin’ and maybe some type of bread. Everybody chips in a couple bucks to pay for the fixin’s. It’s usually a pretty good time just hangin’. ACBG is even goin’ with me tonight. I’m glad cause everybody seems to like him. They like me too. Really. Cause I’m nice dammit!

ETA: Glad you’re feelin’ better BioRosie!