"Gotcha ya!" video from the conservative noise machine seeks to make NPR look bad

While it may be a bit of hyperbole, his actions led to the defunding of ACORN, which was later cleared of any wrongdoing - of course after they had been forced to shut down. My argument is that O’Keefe’s dishonest behavior directly affected ACORN staffers as well as those that the groups for which it advocated.

It was cleared of any criminal acts, which is not the same as “wrongdoing”, especially wrt receiving federal funds.

Please enlighten me John - why did they lose their funding?

:dubious: Waitaminnit, now:

Speaking the plain truth should be a firing offense why?

Imagine Porky Pig raping Elmer Fudd.

There’s a difference between believing and proving. I strongly suspect that a large proportion of opposition to Obama is fueled by racism, either conscious or unconscious. But good luck objectively quantifying that. Your average tea partier will swear up and down that racism has nothing to do with it, and act very offended at the suggestion.

The Tea Party would be just as racist, and just as obviously racist, if it had been active during the Clinton years.

It just wouldn’t have been as big.

Or he’s “your guy” so you search for reason to make the oppositions arguments invalid.

Wasn’t that the whole point?

How exactly could ACORN be “cleared” of “wrongdoing” in the sense you are using the terms?

“I want you to sque-to sque- squea— to squ… to oink like a pig!”

Lets try to get serious here for just a moment – although seriousness seems to have become a scarce commodity around here ever since to was conceded that Iraq had no nuclear, biological or any appreciable amount of chemical weapons, the much ballyhooed WMDs.

The guy who has apparently been eavesdropped on saying non-politic things was not a reporter for NPR, was not an editor or writer for NPR, was not a producer for NPR and had precious little to do with any editorial or news policy. He was a fund raiser for Pete‘s sake. He does not seem to have been speaking for NPR. He seems to have been sharing a private opinion with what was represented to him to be potential big time donors to the outfit. It sure looks to me as if he were responding to inquiries presented by dishonest fakes in hopes that he would say something damaging so the whole out fit could be beaten about the head and shoulders with a new cudgel.

Now, all sorts of people have been embarrassed by having candid and presumably private conversations revealed by privies to the conversation who have their own and secret agenda. It has simply happened again. Those who wish to take umbrage may and will do so.

However, what was so bad about what was said. The Tea Party movement does have a distinct raciest and xenophobic streak to it. The closer you go to the Mexican boarder the stronger it is (notable exception is Iowa’s Fifth Congressional District). What the Patsy said is at least arguably true.

He also said that NPR would survive without federal help; some stations would close but the outfit would survive, albeit in a diminished form. Again arguably true and pretty apparent.

So what. It’s another 90 minute sensation which solidifies the opinions of people who think NPR is a Pinko conspiracy and doesn’t do much to supporters of the network or the disinterested.

Somebody needs to get a life.

Spavined is feeling guilty about cheaping out on Pledge Week this year. Again.

It gets better.

By way of Talking Points Memo, without which no citizen can hope to be well informed…

“Oh, what a tangled interweb we weave
When first we are clueless dipshits…”

  • Percival Dovetonsils

O’Keefe has “will one day be shot in the nuts by a welfare mom” written all over him. He’s going to go too far at some point, but he’s got a lucky charm so far.

“One, two, three o’clock, four o’clock,…”

Yeah, those vicious conservative assholes, showing people up for what they really are! How dare they!

Every television news site and news magazines like 60 Minutes, 20/20, etc. do this routinely and they always have.

Oh, and btw, the Tea Party is not racist. Some members of the Tea Party are racist, but then so are some liberals. And probably in about equal proportions.

I think people who wrongfully accuse other people of racism are as bad as, if not worse than, racists themselves.

Rock solid assertion, firmly grounded in insinuation and buttressed by innuendo, Starkers wrongfully accuses liberals of racism.

Followed by this gem.

The SDMB Unintentional Iromy of the Year for 2011 Award nominations are now closed. There is no further point in accepting nominations.

That article reminds me of a sketch by the 70s-era hippie comedy troupe “The Committee”:

Four guys are shown lighting up and smoking what is obviously marijuana.

One of them suddenly announces he’s FBI and flashes a badge.

One by one, the other three do the same.

A base and meritless slander, sir.