Looking through some books that I’d boxed up a long time ago, I recently rediscovered these. This, IMO, was the coolest Bat-Man ever. I loved his Victorian-era costume complete with leather accessories and throwing knives. As Bruce Wayne, he’s absolutely beautiful with his hair slightly receding at the temples and his sideburns. Particularly in Master of the World, it’s obvious that he enjoys being Bat-Man. Now I loves me some grim, modern Batman (though I haven’t read a regular comic book in decades), but after re-reading these, I believe the character is actually more at home in the late 19th century.
My bad. The sequel is called Master of the Future. I must have been thinking of the old Vincent Price movie when I posted.
A “Me, too.” Read GBG every few years, but was unaware of the sequel. Time for me to run down to the local comics store. Is it a graphic novel like GBG?
Also remember one where Bruce Wayne was a pirate and Alfred his cabinboy, or somesuch. Does that one ring a bell?
Sir Rhosis
Master of the Future was in the premium edition/graphic novel format. It is a more “light hearted” story than Gotham by Gaslight. Briefly, Bruce has to make the decision whether to again be the Bat-Man in order to save Gotham from a madman with an airship. In some ways, you may find it reminiscent of a good episode of The Wild Wild West. The artwork is beautiful. One really gets a sense of the joy Bruce takes in beating the holy living snot out of hooligan, yegs, thugs, and other ne’er do wells.