Grad School Apps Done!

After much toil and trouble, I’ve finally finished my graduate school applications!

I’ve been a Peace Corps Volunteer for four years- two in Cameroon and two in China. I’ve realized that I would like to continue to work in development. Specifically, I would like to work in or closely with Africa. Although I could probably begin a career without a master’s degree, I think that I would need to get one eventually and now seems like the time.

I’ve applied to five international development programs, all of them top 10 schools. I think I stand a reasonable, but not perfect, chance of getting in. Hopefully I’ll get into at least one of them!

I’m sure you’ll do fine! Peace Corps is SUCH a huge advantage in applying for grad school in this field. About 10% of my classmates are RPCVs. (Which is awesome. I love hearing peoples’ stories of their time in South Africa and Mali and Azerbaijan and Nicaragua and Honduras and the Philippines and Micronesia…)

Good luck!

ETA: Oh gosh, and congrats on finishing. SUCH a pain in the ass. Stupid personal statements.

Nothing like a few years at the bottom of the expat rung to make you wanna go to grad school, eh? Been there, done that. :slight_smile:

seems like all that free time out in the sticks has had at least one productive use. Good luck.

Good for you! all those forms are a colossal pain, but I think they’re designed to make you think “Do I really want this?” If you get them all done, it means you do!

Best of luck with the responses!

Good luck!