Grafting flowering plants onto evergreen stock -- good idea?

I have some of the typical wildly overgrown tall evergreen bushes in my front yard along the front of my house. Not juniper or arborvitae, but one of those ubiquitous ugly green bushes that look just OK when they are tiny and look like complete shit when used to create hedges and stuff.

Anyhow, I am stuck with 2 options for replacing them. Option 1 involves getting a large vehicle involved to pull them out of the ground. Option 2, which I just thought up, includes cutting them way back and grafting on some other flowring plant, like a hydrangea or a rose or even some lilac…

Is this a dumb idea?

I wonder if such a grafting would even be possible. Flowering plants and conifers are very distantly related, enough so that they have different cells and tissues for transporting fluids. But I’m not a gardener or a botanist, so I have no idea what would happen if you tried that…

To the best of my knowledge, it would not be possible. Gymnosperms (conifers) and angiosperms (flowering plants) have quite different wood anatomy and I don’t think could transport water through a graft.

Grafting two different varieties of the same species is usually possible.

Grafting two different plants from the same genus is often possible.

Grafting two different plants from different genera in the same family is occasionally possible

Grafting two different plants more distantly related than that is usually impossible.

ok then. Shows how much I know about grafting. They made it look really easy on Ask This Old House :slight_smile:

I guess it’s rip out the old crap, then.

You’ll probably need to condition the soil there before you try to plant anything else - hedges tend to deplete soil nutrients and structure - dig in lots of compost and/or rotted stable manure and leave it fallow for a season to recover some kind of balance.