Grammar of the word "friends"

I tend to consider myself fairly adept with the English language, but there’s one thing I’m having a problem with. Let’s say you have two people, A and B. A likes B, and is very kind to him all the time etc. B doesn’t give a rat’s petoot about A, and A knows it. Does A say “I am B’s friend” or “B is my friend”?

“I am B’s friend” to me makes it sound like B has some say in the matter, even though B has been calling A “C” since he met him, he doesn’t even care about A’s name.

If A says “B is my friend,” because A treats B that way, it still sounds like B is partial to A.

Is there a way to resolve this with the word “friend,” or would A have to resort to some other phrase? Basically, a uni-directional friendship or some such, but I’m wondering how it would be used like I’m talking about, if it’s even possible.

If A knows how B feels and acts towards him, why does he bother worrying about this? Instead, why doesn’t he find a real friend?

To answer the question directly, A can call him whatever he wants, friend or otherwise, however he sees the arrangement. For me personally, I wouldn’t call such a person a friend.

It’s a sadomasochistic relationship.

Well here’s your problem. Such a thing does not exist. Use a different word.

So that would be one vote for “B is A’s friend.” Or would that be one vote against “A is B’s friend”?