Granparents, are your Grandchildren your revenge on your Children?

I have one friend who has a young son and he told me that if he was anything like what his son is when he was that age, he feels he should apologise to his mother,

So, dopers with little bundles of joy who skipped a generation, do you ever think that Doper III is doing exactly what Doper Jr did to you 25 years ago?

And how do you feel about it?:smiley:

My younger daughter is certainly having some revenge. When my brothers and I were kids, we were, of course, Star Wars fanatics; we had X-wings and action figures and talked about it all the time, esp. my brothers. My mom finally had to ban Star Wars from the dinner table.

Now my 6yo daughter is just as bad. It drives me crazy. I don’t want to hear about the details of who has what color lightsaber and which one is best. My mom is totally tickled by this.

Are you sure its not just your disgust at the prequel trilogy?

Having recently completed steering my son through adolescence (he’s 18, lives on his own with his girlfriend, and just joined the National Guard :eek: so I guess I’m finished), I can confirm that Mom derived all kinds of glee from watching me do this :smack: repeatedly over the last several years.

Horrible music? Check. Friends who were idiots? Check. Driving lessons that made me willing to fellate my doctor in exchange for a single Valium? Check. Tantrums and fights and horrible clothes? Check and check and check. And through it all my constant refrain has been, “My grandchildren will avenge me!”

I still have my daughter’s adolescence to get through. She and I think alike, though, so I’m hoping it will be easier.

It’s either a blessing or a curse, depending on the child you say it to:

“I hope you have children just like you!”

Chances are good that they will. :smiley:
But ***my ***revenge? No. Believe it or not, neither of my children consulted me about their plans to procreate. I have nothing whatsoever to do with them having or not having children. My revenge will be when I’m way older and far more irritating.