My mother passed away a few weeks ago. She is going to be buried in a Catholic cemetery, and I’m planning her grave marker. The type of marker I’m looking at allows 4 lines, title (eg. “Beloved Wife and Mother”), name, birth and death dates, and a fourth line for a small quote. Most of the markers I’ve seen have some sappy religious quote (“Mary pray for us”, “Thy will be done”, etc.) But I’d like to have something a little more personal. Specifically, my mom was a prolific quilter and was very generous in sharing her quilts with friends and family. I’d like to find a quote that refers to making things with your hands and sharing the fruits of your labor. But here’s the catch: there is apparently a maximum of 17 letters allowed in this fourth line. Can anyone think of a very short quote that would be appropriate? It doesn’t have to be a Bible quote.
“I’d rather bee quilting”
I assume spaces count?
Aww. You just want quotes. I hoped based on the title this would be the thread to share my plans for a grave marker involving 3D scanning, CNC-milling and a gas burner.
She had everyone covered.
So sorry for the loss of your beloved mom. Here are a few ideas: Sew amazing. Sew little time. Here lies sew and sew. Stitched with LOVE. Handmade with LOVE. Quilting forever. Love’s common thread.
why use a quote?
you want something personal and meaningful…so why not write whatever you want?
(Think of it a “quoting” yourself)
It doesn’t have to sound Shakespearian or biblical. Just write something which will be meaningful to you and your family when, say, 10 years from now you visit the grave and read it out loud to a grandchild.
Sew Blessed
Now a patchwork
Part of the patchwork
Oh, I like that.
That’s the best one, so far.
And sorry to hear of your mom’s passing.
She quilted love
Mom quilted love
Mom quilted love.!
Xxx quilted love !!