Great Classical Guitar Pieces

I don’t know how many people here are into classical guitar but I thought I’d give this thread a try. I was wondering what some people consider to be their favourite classical guitar pieces? I’m trying to line up an hours worth of music for a recital next year. Just looking for possibilities.

My nomination though is anything by Barrios, especially La Catedral.

Man wish there was a way to bring some of his pieces out for widespread listening… and not sure how well circulated his stuff is… but if you can find anything by Tony D’Adonno, his work with classical guitar is incredible.

Recuerdos del Alhambra. Tremolo never got better.

Well, “Leyenda” seems to be the “Free Bird” of classical guitar: You don’t have to play it, but you definitely have to know it.

In addition, I am totally enraptured by “Estudio No. 17 in E Minor” by Sor and “Capricho Arabe” by Tarrega. This probably has something to do with them both (along with “Leyenda”) being on Christopher Parkening’s album In the Spanish Style, which is up in my top 5 albums of all time. I’ve owned it since '95, and I bet there hasn’t been a week since that I haven’t listened to it. It still kicks ass.

I was thinking of Leyenda, but it has become almost cliche

By the way if you guys want to here some totally left field classical guitar, check out The Usher Waltz by Nikita Koshkin. It’s based on the Fall of the House of Usher by Poe. Quite dark, but incredible.

I just love Andaluza by Granados. Also check Leo Brower he is a contemporary cuban composer.
And then of course check spanish classical composers. Anything by Joaquin Rodrigo is worth listening, this is the guy tha composed Aranjuez concert for guitar and orchestra, with that as a credential he is a safe bet