Great Horse names

Ticonderoga. I think it would sound good coming out of the announcer’s mouth. “And down the stretch, it’s Ticonderoga!” I think the amount of sylables makes it more dramatic.

Hello Again I lurk over there, but since dressage is my thing I’m active on But I love the hunter/jumper stuff on chronofhorse!

My horse was named Hoppy.

Yep, he was a Hoppity Horse. I googled for it, but I’ll be damned if I can find a picturet. Guess I gotta describe it… The whole toy is red rubber. It’s a ball - about 3 feet in diameter - with a horse head, and the head has handles sticking out of its ears.

Hey Jorel, my first ponie’s name was Ringo too!

Presently, there are 3 horses in my back yard-none of which I named. However, I am responsible for for their horrid nicknames.
Let’s see, there’s Willow aka Willard;Fiachi aka Fifi or when she’s just plan bad, Feeble; and Nobody’s Business, aka Bobo. They’re living personification the old joke “I don’t care what you call me, as long as you don’t call me late for dinner.”

Well not a race horse, but I was always fond of Clever Hans myself. :smiley:

(Hey if I don’t talke about me who will)

ahorsewithnoname and side kick throughthedesert
BTW, what was that song about anyway???

jlzania- COOL!

Drew Curtis should sponsor a Fark horse in Kentucky (he’s in Lexington). It could be called DrewCurtisPresents.

Cunning Stunt may be legendary, but there was Brett’s Best Bet to tongue-tie track announcers into saying something they shouldn’t.

I also liked Jacques Wimpfheimer’s Jacques Who, not only because of the name, but because

(1) he was as close to a white thoroughbred as you can get (he was listed as gray, but was very pale) and
(2) he nearly always finished second. He’d charge up on the leader, but not pass him, or he’d fade in the stretch and finish second. It was like he had a mental block against winning.

This one used to be on an old vinyl album that I listened to over and over again when I was a kid. (I think the exact line was “remember to scratch harass”) This was before all the pc newsmakers started pronouncing it like “hair” instead of “her”, and “ass” instead of “iss”.

Some English race hosses (real) - all owned by Liverpool footballers

Betty Swallocks
Jo Blob


Some horse
another horse

the commentary would be

“and its some horse in the lead being chased by another horse…”

Probably apocryphal, but i seem to remember reading that a bunch of chefs bought a horse and named it “four quenelles”.

Now try it in a Northern English accent.