Best Racehorse/Greyhound name?

With the Melbourne Cup being run today, I was wondering what you thought was the best name for a racehorse or greyhound.

A couple of years ago some friends and I purchased a greyhound, and named it “Brown Wings” . Of course, we did our dough, and the thing never actually raced, but I always liked the name.

“Hoof Hearted” is another one that is pretty good, as is “Duffel Coat Supreme” from The Late Show’s Graeme and the Colonel a few years ago.

I also liked ** Big Nik’s ** thinking in this thread

  • Bubba.

I think I once watched a horse race in which one of the horses was called Too good to be Glue. I may have dreamt it, however :slight_smile:

Santa’s Little Helper?

The UK racing authorities are quite strict about which names are allowed and which are not, but many years ago someone managed to register an animal called Selohesra.

I don’t think anyone ever got to the bottom of why this was allowed to happen.


[slight hijack]
Just to note that Irish trainer, Dermot Weld, has won the said Melbourne Cup with Media Puzzle. I think it’s only the second occasion the cup has been won by a foreign trained horse. The first time was when Vintage Crop won, also trained by Weld and owned by former Irish PM, Charles Haughey.

Mr. Earl

Liverpool scallies and footballers McManamanamanaman ( I know how to spell it I just don’t know how to stop spelling it*) and Fowler own two horses called “another horse” and “some horse”.

Thus commentary:

“And its some horse in the lead followed by another horse…”

  • Thank you terry pratchet

How about Satan’s Little Helper?

There are lots of good greyhound names. My personal current favorite is Test Tickle:

There was a good horse a couple of years ago called **Wykikamoocow[/B

Ah, bugger ya foxy…I saw the thread title and IMMEDIATELY thought of Wykicamucow [sp?]

Then about 12 months ago, I heard that there was a greyhound here in Melbourne causing a bit of controversy.
Called, Norma Stitz, apparently it took some weeks before the officials realised the…ahem…double entendre that the name produced. :smiley:

It certainly was a bit more colourful than ‘Tommy’s Joy’ or whatever it got changed to!!

I don’t know if this is just an urban myth or not, but a few years ago there were rumours that someone in the Uk or Ireland, tried to get their racehorse named “Wear the Fox Hat”. (Say it quickly …)


Sorry for the hijack, but what does “did our dough” mean? You ran out of money?

How about “I Can’t Believe Hees” or “No Wait Hees”:

Announcer: “And coming around the turn it’s I can’t believe hees in first followed by no wait hees in second.”

Doing yer’ dough does indeed mean running out of money, generally when it has been ‘wasted’ on frivolity, especially gambling.

There was a Melbourne Cup runner… er, trott… um, “entrant” a year or two ago named “Maythehorsebewithyou”…

When Martin/Molloy was on the radio a few years ago, Mick Molloy would always mention his horse (that he owned with a couple of other comedians, including Trevor Marmalade) Bunky. It has a nice ring to it, methinks.

And in the Greyhounds episode of The Simpsons, you have the greyhounds named She’s the Fastest, Always Comes in Second, and I’m Number Three, each finishing in this order!

Damn. My two contributions are gone. But hands up who picked the Melbourne Cup Trifecta this year?
