Great stuff [regarding the Washington Post and the Mueller investigation]

This is starting to feel like Troll squared.

Funny, though. Very funny.


But the silent coup directed BY AND FROM the Mueller-crossed CIA agents of the DS (SEE THE E-MAILS!!) cannot let Russiagate political losers entertain any of what Crystal Meth Cohen has LIED about repeatedly and yet not only the taxicab thing in New York. They are trying to bring down our President by using ALTERNATE UNTRUTHS while not giving him any credit for the economy that is DOING SO WELL until the Democreeps put their WITCH HUNT on and force the car factory to shut down without tariffs. BUT PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP will take them down and all the other countries will see how we are great. Russia too!!!

That was fun.

A *radical *Troll?

If and when Chip reappears, we may get clues. In the meantime, I’m loving this. :slight_smile:


“Reality is confusing and unpleasant so here are a bunch of fantasies I have that make me feel pleasurable emotions.”

I love how Giuliani has more leverage with the Fbi than Mueller, who led the organization for 13 years. That part made me laugh.

My initial impression of the OP was that someone had taken a bunch of Onion articles and passed them through a Cuisinart, but I think the actual result of that would be both more coherent and funnier.

Not only did he not do that, but the past tense does not apply yet to the Mueller investigation. Dumbfuck.

Yes and no. There’s an art to truly convincing gibberish, I suppose. Is that what it is? I dunno - let’s wait and see.

In the meantime, the responses are lovely. A shout out to Snowboarder Bo. That is (and I’m being serious) a cracking command of the language. Fourteen words to say everything needed.


Maybe Chip is auditioning to be Trump’s Baghdad Bob:

Heh. “Authentic sources”. Umm…would that be Brietbart and InfoWars and Russian bots on social media?

Lead paint chips. They’re not just for breakfast anymore.

Well the square root of Troll is irrational.

Do you have a phone number for Cocaine Mitch? I could use a bump just about now.

My initial impression of the OP was that someone had taken a bunch of something. Maybe acid with an ether chaser.

“The only thing that really worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. And I knew we’d get into that rotten stuff pretty soon. Probably at the next gas station.” - Hunter S. Thompson

By God, the math checks out!

On some level, you have to admire the “Black Knight”-level tenacity of some of Trump’s thirstiest Kool-Aid drinkers. They continue to cry “NOTHINGBURGER!!” when it’s looming overhead like the Burj Khalifa, and “WITCH HUNT!” when the witches are stumbling into the snares by the dozens. Trump could be frog-marched out of the Oval Office in shackles and they’ll still be sneering that he’s executing a perfect coup de grâce on Mueller and all the Dummocrat libturds.

I see someone has gotten an Oculus for Christmas - keep wearing it, mother fucker.

I see this a lot. A bunch of comprehending posters react negatively toward a right-winger. They clearly understand what he is saying and react as you would expect. All good.

Then a few of the really dumb ones come by and say that the person is incoherent. They usually have the angriest responses as well. If you don’t understand what someone is saying and everyone else does understand, you should be humbled by your stupidity. You shouldn’t simply react more angrily than the comprehending people have reacted. This is an ape-like impetus and you should exercise the self-control of a homo sapien if you are capable.

Not the case with the OP here.

If you do understand what someone is saying and only a few others also understand, maybe you should be a pal and pass the peyote around so the rest of us can get in the appropriate state of mind to receive the cosmic wisdom being imparted.

Wonderful as always, Will. Your impacted mini-nuggets of semisolid wisdom are all the more precious for their scarcity.