Great stuff [regarding the Washington Post and the Mueller investigation]

I’ll bet you do.

I was going to post that exact same Airplane quote (well, slight modification to match the OP), but it was not yet in the Pit! Bravo! :smiley:

I’ll take a stab at it.

From the OP

So, OP is saying that the recent revelation that Manafort had been lying to the Mueller team, in contravention of his plea deal, is just the mainstream media’s clumsy reaction to the brilliant Rudy Giuliani’s master plan to put a mole inside the Mueller team (payback for when the FBI had put a mole - Papapadapoulus, if I recall correctly - into the campaign). Which resulted in all sorts of…what was it…“leverage” over the investigation.

This, of course, being exactly what one does when one is totally not guilty of anything and when the investigation is a witch hunt and there is no evidence of any possible criminal behavior so there’s no reason for anybody to pay any attention to any of it anyway.

I thought this was the best of the thread, but…

I actually did LOL at this. Nice job!

You can’t possibly be serious with this. The OP was a bunch of mindless drivel.

Dude are you unfamiliar with WF’s posting? Like calls to like.

I’m familiar. Still fun to point out nonsense.

Milhouse: “OK, here’s what we’ve got. The Rand Corporation, in conjunction with the Saucer People, under the supervision of the Reverse Vampires, are [insert OP here]. We’re through the looking glass, people.”

Get back to me when the Mole Men get involved.

Honestly though is it any less comprehensible than what our president says most of the time? This is what you get when you hard-wire a connection between the hippocampus and the vocal cords, bypassing the cerebral cortex.

Once again, I can’t *buy * entertainment like this in the real world. I mean, to have a willfully ignorant provocateur audition to be Baghdad Bob, and THEN another one comes along and claims the only reason everyone thinks the OP was incomprehensible and truth-twisting is that those with critical faculties here are… [gasp] liberals! Of course!
Ok, I’m headed to the bar to watch the Saints/Cowboys game, and I can’t wait to tell my friends there about “Guiliani played Mueller like a fool”… hope no one squirts beer out their nose.

Manafort is record clean. An the ocean is smaller than Cocaine Mitch when he flows.

If they laugh just get angry and say ‘truth isn’t truth’. That’ll shut them up.

I assume that you are just worried that the OP is going to beat you out for Incoherent Right-Wing Idiot of the month. But don’t be concerned, your number has been retired after so many consecutive months on top.

I assume you are as goofy and awkward in real life as you are when trying to flame me on SDMB.

I think I’d’ve gone with “Stewardess! I speak jive turkey”.

Thanks! I was going to keep it down to an even dozen, but I really liked the emphasis that the denouement made. :smiley:


B’rer Possum, being called goofy and awkward by you as devastating as being called homely by a hop-toad.

So his business was trying to build in Russia? This is all about perjury traps.

If they have something major, you will know because the stock market will drop a lot.

Please explain the logic in that - 'cause I don’t get what you’re saying re: stock market drop

Interesting theory. Given that:

  • As of last Tuesday, the Dow and the S&P had both lost all of the gains that they’d previously made in 2018
  • More than 45% of the S&P stocks are down at least 20% from their highs in the past year

…is that enough to constitute “drop a lot”?

Source: Stock market selloff erases 2018 gains for Dow and S&P 500.

Shit, if Trump get’s shit-canned I expect the markets to get a nice boost based alone upon the fact that the world will be more stable.