Great way to make people wonder: old campaign buttons

Right now on my coat I have a “Nixon now”, “LBJ for USA” and a “Roosevelt”.

Really makes people wonder.

“We Want Eight and We Won’t Wait!”

I used to have alternately both Carter/Mondale and Goldwater campaign posters as my desktop wallpaper at work in the year 2000. People did wonder.

I have an old Howard Stern / Stan Dworkin button from back when Howard ran for governer of New York. I love wearing it every time I vote.

I have a “Nixon Now” button I wear as well. Great fun.

I also have a Win With Ike button. It’s a flicker button. Very cool. But I don’t wear that one.

I enjoy campaigning for “silent” Cal! Of course, he’s been dead for 69 years, but I still like him!
Imagine, falling asleep at cabinet meetings, and watching the white house kitchen help (he was afraid they were stealing his apples!).

THAT IS AWESOME!! I saw one of those a few years ago.

I’ve still got a binder with a McGovern bumper sticker on it. Wonder if I can get it off?

Either that, or wear my “Vietnam Solidarity” button, although I’d probably have to explain repeated, "Yes, that’s a NORTH Vietnam flag. Yes, the country was split in two at one time. We fought a war over there, remember. Here, let me tell you about it. . . . "

I want an I Like Ike button.

Nowadays, it would be “I Wanna Be Like Ike”, or something… heh

Well, all my damn Alexa! buttons are gonna be obsolete real soon now.


President Nixon - Now More Than Ever

Love them old buttons!

Lick Bush in '88.


I must admit with some pride (and he can verify this when back from vacation) that the first time I met Ukulele Ike for drinks at the Algonquin, I wore an I Like Ike and Dick button on my lapel.

The other day I saw a black 1962 Lincoln Continental in excellent condition with a Kennedy/Johnson bumper sticker. Beautiful.


If you act fast…

It took me about ten minutes to figure that one out.

'Sprobably why he didn’t win. :slight_smile:

Heh, I remember a few people sportin’ “Clinton for Governor” buttons during the '92 presidential campaign.

I remember this bumper sticker:

----- = HHH