Greatest Russian dashboard cam video ever. Cannot be topped.

From the conversation etc. - it is real. No way the guys in the car with the camera can be such great actors.

That was great! I wonder what he told his wife.

That was hilarious!

Well, maybe the guys with the camera weren’t in on it, but it still could have been staged by the participants.

:slight_smile: Now that would be dedication to the craft. Stage this at 3am, in Chelyabinsk, for the audience of (I think) 3…

The guy who got beat up should sue. Those guys are worth millions.

No, drive around until you see someone with a dash cam. Stage it in front of them. Audience of (so far) 1,490,958.

Youtube asked me for ID. I left it in the car! Ah, come on, Man! I’m old enough! Look! See this grey hair on my chin? Comon’ Dude! I’m like, 49! Hey, man, you let that other guy in, and I’ll guarantee that shit ain’t appropriate for him! Harsh My Mellow, whydoncha?

Fuckin’ Internet bouncers.

I certainly didn’t expect that.

I have to sign in to prove my age? That implies they want a credit card in my name.Do they?
Is there anything on you tube worth giving yet another about-to-be-hacked megasite a valid CC?

Why did they stop ?

I think maybe the guy in front stopped because of the animals driving the van.
Why did camera van stop ? I suspect they were stopping because of they were travelling with the performing artists.


I agree, don’t get me wrong…it is funny anyway, people in costumes fighting is always funny.

But…staged I’m afraid. You can see that the guy getting a kicking is barely being touched at all, the characters are taking it very easy on him.

But still funny!

They may have been watching “Big Train” for inspiration. (NSFW language)

I can’t watch the video from here, but from the conversation, it doesn’t sound like the one where the motorcyclist rear-ends a car at high speed and ends up somersaulting into a spiderman pose on top of the roof - which makes me wonder if the ‘cannot be topped’ claim will hold up…

There was a collision. Not a serious one.

Yeah, that one was pretty incredible.

Did Rémi Gaillard go to Russia? :smiley:

Well, here we have one of those dashboard camera recordings from (where else?) Russia, which have become so popular around the Intarwebs.

This one looks like your average “road rage” incident, as filmed from another car that was not involved in the event and kept its distance… OK, an average “road rage” incident, but… with a twist :slight_smile: And what a twist! XD

Honestly, I was not expecting what happened 40 seconds in ^.^

So, without further ado, courtesy of some drivers in Chelyabinsk… Filmed this past August the 30th, at something like 2:40AM…

Simply lovely, in my opinion XD

There is already a thread on this here somewhere.

Oh, alright! Could a moderator merge the threads then, please? Thanks in advance!