Greed how bad can it be.

(Rant here)

Well fox network just goes for the seamier side of life don’t they? Tasteless shit is their forte. I watched the last half of Greed tonight and only saw the million dollar question at the end. Chuck drags out two “losers”… yes that’s how Chuck referred to them. Two big losers!

One, “Jackie” a middle aged bleach blonde, had been beaten out of the 500,000 dollar win by that bizarre idiot with the hair that sticks straight out a few weeks back…and the other contestant had simply missed the 2.2 million dollar question.

They played the tape back of the “losing moment” it showed the weirdo with the hair challenging “Jackie” at terminator time some weeks ago. The camera focused on the pitiful look on her face as she exclaims, Why me? The weirdo just said in a lustful voice, “I feel the need.” Of course he beat her by a mile and she sloughed off the stage in a deep funk.

Now it was time for loser “Jackie” to face off with the loser guy that had missed the 2.2 mil question a few weeks back. I could see her bottom lip quiver as Chuck readied the question. She looked as if she had been slapped away from the table before the question even passed Chuck’s lips. The guy beat the poor thing by a mile at which point she almost collapsed in Chuck’s arms who attempted to help her off the stage…now labeled for life as a “two time loser”.

The show went on to ask the 2.2 loser…“winner” the million dollar question…what the most visited town by foreigners last year in the US. A question that only a freakin expert in census would know. Of course he missed. So both “losers” got to be on FOX TV to be labeled forever by friends as “Double Losers” just as broke as the day they appeared before. Chuck clucked and clucked about it as they signed off the air…I almost puked. Chuck you old whore…whatever happened to the dating game?

K end of rant.