I’m not as prolific as I used to be, but I’m still here. As a matter of fact, your humble narrator just got broadband, baby, not to mention a brand new apartment. I don’t know how this will effect my lurk to post ratio, but I do know that as far as broadband is concerned, I’m in the dark.
I’ve been on dial up so long, most of the cool stuff was always just beyond my reach. No more. No download is too big – bwaahhahahhaaa.
So what I need is suggestions … where should I go on the net that would have been torture through a modem but cranks ass through RoadRunner.
And while we’re at it, I was planning to downloa… I mean legally buying some songs. This has nothing to do with any sort of illegal file sharing software of anykind but let’s just say I would entertain suggestions of tunes to be had.
That was a bad rap. The MAN™ had it out for me 'cause I’m a 'stak man. I don’t know how those Pylons got in my pocket. Hell, they aren’t even my pants, a friend loaned them to me 'cause my ex-girlfriends fiances best friend took my pants to the pawnshop 'cause he thinks I sniped his blunts. Man, I don’t touch blunts man.
I guess my joke didn’t come off the way I meant it to. I actually thought it was somewhat funny but I guess I was wrong. It was meant as parody of ‘Cops’.