I pre-orderer and got like 5 minutes in this morning. Some immediate reactions:
Very nice looking title. A step up from Dirt 3.
No cockpit view = sad panda
Steering controls don’t feel right (using xbox pad). The deadzone and sensitivity seems way too high. I turn left a bit and nothing happens, I turn left some more and still nothing, I turn left even more and now my car is sideways! I’m worried about this because I couldn’t find any tuning of these options (like you have in Codemaster’s F1 and Dirt 3 titles), but again I was only looking around the menu for like a minute.
According to the devs, consoles couldn’t do both, a cockpit view AND the enhanced visuals on the cars/track, so they cut out the cockpit for everyone.
They also said that according to their internal data (no specifics on whether this was some forum poll, or data gathered from actual game users), only 5% use the cockpit view at all.
While I’d love a cockpit view, it’s not a deal breaker for me. Thee controls ARE however, if they can’t be fine tuned.
I’ll probably give it a go. Is there a demo available? (Can’t check game sites from work) I play on PC using a joystick and I found Grid one was a control disaster. Later Codemaster games have been fine. I hate cockpit view, I can’t tell how much sliding is going on and I find it hard to get braking points right.