I know there is quite a bit of hangup about new technologies, especially those dealing with biotechnology, such as GM plants and stem cell research. However, I ran across this article and thought immediately that I would love to have this done. I was planning on getting dental implants when my teeth started falling out or rotting. According to the article it is still probably 2 years away from human testing, but I imagine in 5 years they will have it perfected.
Now would you do this? Have a bad tooth pulled and have some stem cells injected to start the growth of a new tooth? Teething as an adult?
What are some thoughts on this? Moral, immoral, neutral, revolutionary, or just to be expected?
I’d have it done b/c my top 2 teeth are crooked and now have bonding to make them look straight. But the bonding doesn’t whiten so they look weird. I’d get new teeth so my toppers are uniform.
I would love to have something like this. I am missing 7 permanent teeth (I was born without them), but luckily I have managed to keep 6 baby teeth. I have an implant for the one, but I am not completely satisfied with the results.
I know I would go for it…I had problems with cavities, and have a fair amount of fillings…if I could get the worst of my molars replaced I would be thrilles. I know Mr Aru would love to have the front incisor he cracked in half when he was young replaced, the prosthetic part doesnt match too badly, but I am certain he would prefer a full healthy tooth=)
My brother has an implanted eyetooth he would love to have replaced=)
I hope they do manage this, I know I am pretty shallow wanting pretty much cosmetic tooth replacement, but I really do have excellent teeth thanks to the american medical care and lifestyle. I am sure that the people you see on TV in 3d world countries with most of their teeth missing would really love this … and deserve to get the teeth replaced … but realistically it will be done in the US and EU and other ‘rich’ countries first.
I’d go for it, assuming that it’s reasonably safe and reasonably affordable. I’ve got a gazillion caps and fillings now. I’m flat out missing 10 permanent teeth, but 4 of them are wisdom teeth, so I’d probably only replace the nonwisdom teeth. I’d love to get some new teeth. In particular, I’ve got a five tooth bridge, which has 3 tooth stubs and 2 completely missing teeth. I’ve got to get that bridge replaced fairly soon, too. They don’t last forever.
Whoever invented this silly stereotype has never seen the stereotype of toothless hill billy. I’m sure there are many mountain people with lovely teeth but I bet you there are more British people with lovely teeth.
The people of Great Britain are said to consume the most sugar per capita. Their sweettooth is legendary. I believe the Scots in particular have the highest consumption rate. Too much sugar=tooth decay and loss. YMMV
Now this is science I can get behind! I was always dreading getting my adult teeth as a kid, I always liked the idea of a spare set of teeth as insurance against not brushing my teeth enough or just plain old tooth losing accidents. If this goes through I’ll get that insurance back!