Mostly because I’m an idiot.
You see… sigh. Dear Og, do I even want to begin to admit this… okay. Here goes. Ahem.
You see… I was boiling an egg in a pot on the stove, in usual manner one boils eggs. I like mine medium-to-hard boiled, so after the water got boiling, I let it go for ten minutes. I was quite looking forward to this egg, as it is the last egg in the carton, and I’d been saving a room for that last egg in my diet for the past couple of days. I really wanted this delicious egg.
So, the ten minutes is up, and when I look into the pot, I notice that quite a bit of the water has boiled off. “Hm,” I think. “Must have set the temperature too high. Ah, well.” And I take the egg out, run it under cold water so as not to burn my precious fingers, then begin peeling away the shell.
All is fine, until I take the last part of the shell off and… ewwww! Looks like that one side that the water boiled off of didn’t quite get cooked. It’s kind of runny and gooey. Blech.
What happens next is just… deep breath I can tell this, it’s so dumb I can’t even begin… no, okay. I can tell this.
Well, what happens next is a result of about a week ago, when I actually undercooked my egg in an attempt to soft boil the sucker. I failed, but didn’t find this out until after removing the shell, and ending up with a gooey mess. I showed my husband, and whined about not wanting to waste a perfectly good egg. He told me to cook it in the microwave for about 20 seconds. So I did. Meh. Didn’t really cook it. So I stuck it in for two minutes. It snapped and popped a little bit, but it cooked it. It wasn’t the most pleasant tasting egg in the world, nor the prettiest, but it was cooked. I ate it.
So, today, remembering how I’d cooked the egg last time, figured I’d just pop this beast in the microwave. Well, 20 seconds didn’t quite do it before, and two minutes was much too long. I’ll try, say, 40 seconds?
I peeked after 20 seconds, since this one wasn’t as big a mess as the previous one. Nope, nothing. I close the door and proceed with the nuking. 20 more seconds later, I open the microwave. There had been no popping or snapping noises this time. Maybe it was about done?
The soft side that had needed the cooking was turned away from me, so I yanked the bowl holding the egg from the microwave and peeked in. Nope, I need to pick it up. I pick up the egg and turn the soft spot toward me.
I yelped like a puppy with it’s tail stepped on. The egg had blown up, in my hand, all over the place. I mean, obliterated egg, there is nothing left of it now but pieces scattered all over the kitchen, in my hair, on my glasses, on *my computer * screen which is (and I measured to be sure) 16 feet away from the microwave, as well as the window beside me, and I have a feeling it would have gone much further if the window weren’t in the way.
I had to get the first aid kit to attend to my burned hand, which is all on the palm, and hurts like hell. Now I’m ointment-ed, gauzed and taped up.
Sigh. I’m such a fool. I watch enough Mythbusters to know better than this. And to add insult to injury, I’ve now got that Frasier ending song stuck in my head.
Scrambled eggs all over my face!
Goodnight, Seattle, we love you!