I’d really prefer this not go to the pit. Then again, I’m prolly gonna cuss a lot, and other folks might too.
*The Obama administration is considering a change in the law for the military commissions at the prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, that would clear the way for detainees facing the death penalty to plead guilty without a full trial.
The provision could permit military prosecutors to avoid airing the details of brutal interrogation techniques. It could also allow the five detainees who have been charged with the Sept. 11 attacks to achieve their stated goal of pleading guilty to gain what they have called martyrdom. *
This is bullshit. Bad law, bad policy, bad strategy. It’s fucking Constitutional Blasphemy.
These guys have been held for years, without being formally charged for much of that time, without meaningful access to counsel, without any real opportunity to prepare much less present an effective defense, and probably tortured into confessing to whatever the prosecution felt was sexy.
Now, they want to let them plead guilty to death-eligible charges because the goddamn government doesn’t have the fucking balls to give them a fair trial in open court and let the chips fall where they may. Yeah, I know some states also allow guilty pleas to capital cases. There’s still supposed to be a penalty phase–ie, another legal proceeding to determine whether aggravating factors outweigh mitigating factors, and therefore a death sentence is appropriate. At any legitimate penalty phase hearing, the defense ought to be able to present the same goddamn evidence the government is so fucking scared to have see the light of day. Like what exactly was done during interrogations, and how might that have affected the decision to enter a guilty plea, for starters. Throw in how exactly other evidence was obtained. How much was paid to people as bounties to rat out their enemies…er…provide valuable intelligence about scary terrorists. And pretty much any other mitigating evidence that may exist.
This isn’t a trial, it’s an abomination. If the government wants these guys dead that fucking bad, they shoulda done it on the battlefield, or they may as well blow off any semblance of a kangaroo court, put the guys against the nearest wall, and shoot them in the head. At least that way they don’t have to anally rape Lady Justice to do it.
It’s bad policy, because we’re supposed to be fucking better than that. We’re a nation of laws. Defendants have rights. If we throw that away in the tough cases, we’re no better than what we claim the defendants are.
It’s bad strategy because doing it this way makes our much vaunted freedom a farce, and allows the defendants martyrdom. Hell, if this goes through, every swinging dick in GITMO may as well plead guilty and line up for the fucking ovens. Yeah, I just Godwinized my own goddamn thread. Fuck it. These guys aren’t gonna get anything like a fair trial, they have no chance at winning freedom. At least stand up and take it like a man. Maybe they’ll get the 72 Virgins or whatever they believe in.
I really pity the poor lawyers trying to defend this farce. I honestly don’t know if I could do it without just going apeshit in Court and racking up more citations for contempt than previously thought possible. They’d be well earned, because I have nothing but contempt for this bullshit.
Note that the linked article says Obama has not, at this time. personally approved the death penalty provisions. This isn’t about Obama. It isn’t about Bush. It’s about what I thought America was supposed to be. And what it apparently isn’t.
I wanna puke.