A lot of you that already have the preconception that “guns are Bad” have deluded yourself into thinking the semantics of the second amendment restricts the right to gun ownership to pretty much nothing today. This is despite the fact that every bit of historical evidence, and everything the founding fathers wrote, supports the idea that the second amendment conveys the right to bear arms on the same “the People” in the other amendments.
Fine. You’ve managed to negate a human right, in your own mind, because the somewhat archaic phrasing of the second amendment has allowed you to dismiss it entirely, even though the historical context certainly clarifies it’s meaning.
And the idea that the second amendment is meaningless is strictly a result of your already chosen position - guns are Evil. It’s simply justification as an extension of your beliefs.
Some of the founding fathers were opposed to the idea of the bill of rights, because they felt that it might give the impression that people were limited to the set of rights garunteed therein. And so, the included the ninth amendment, which states:
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
This amendment garuntees that we have other rights than those specifically enumerated in the Constitution. The Supreme Court has ruled on several issues on ninth amendment ground, such as the right to freely travel, based on the original intent of the founding fathers.
So, even if you’ve managed to convince yourself that the phrasing of the second amendment makes it entirely meaningless, it is quite clear the founders intended us to have the right to bear arms for our own defense. From criminals, from foreign invasion, and most importantly, from our own government.
Even if the second amendment didn’t exist, we would be garunteed the right to bear arms under the ninth.