I saw the movie *Stage Beauty * just recently, wherein Danes plays a woman breaking into the traditionally male-only world of Shakespearean acting. Through the whole movie, I was wondering if Danes was cast because she looks like a man in drag to me.
This made me really look at Danes and wonder, do men find her attractive? I thought she was quirkily appealing in My So-Called Life, but now that she’s an adult, I think she’s actually pretty ugly and most definitely not sexy. She gets leading female roles, yet I’ve never heard any buzz about her being hot, or sexy, or anything like that. There aren’t too many photos of her on the Internet where she is portrayed as sexy, either. Found a couplepix that seemrepresentative, in all of which I think she’s actively unattractive.
So guys, what do you think? Hot or not, and why? I’m specifically not asking if you think she’s a good actor or not. I like her as an actress, but I can’t see the appeal physically at all.
I’m a guy and yes, I do find her very attractive. Why? I don’t know really. Ever since I first saw her, I thought she was hot and nothing has yet changed.
I had never heard of her before and I find her quite hot looking at the pictures. I am extremely particular too. She has some exaggerated babyish looks and features that many people find attractive.
Pretty but not hot. Hot is an entirely different look. I’m sure the Hollywood makeup machine could tart her up to look hot though. Seems they are content to set the machine to pretty and leave it at that.
You think she looks babyish? She has a very masculine, strong jawline with a cleft chin. I think she looks more like a man than a little girl, but maybe it’s just the pictures I posted. I tried to find the ones that made her look prettiest, for fairness’ sake. I am kind of surprised that you haven’t heard of her. She’s in some well-known stuff, such as Shopgirl, Terminator 3, Romeo + Juliet, The Hours, and The Family Stone. I figured she was pretty famous.
I agree that she’s “cute”, not hot. Hollywood has some weird definitions for it’s actresses, though. I heard that Jen Love Hewitt is always called “cute” but not "hot. I can see how Danes might mae the jump, but she’s just not mature looking enough for me.
Maybe I’m just easy, but there’s very few celebrities that I’m puzzled by when others call them hot.
Paris Hilton and a few of the frieghteningly skinny ones. The ones that look like they just got out of a some bizarre alternate-universe version of Auschwitz which had excellent beauty salons.
Well, when you get to the level of attractiveness that Claire Danes operates on, “hot” and “cute” depend more on the photographer and Photoshopper than the actual person. Take your third picture for example. It was taken from below at some kind of news conference, and no one is going to be at their best taken from that angle. The next picture is pretty darned hot, but that’s the pose and the relative lack of clothing. Give me your above average girl next door, some studio lights, and a few minutes with Photoshop and I could probably achieve much the same look.
That said – she’s very good looking. Nice skin. Yes, the face is a bit square, but it’s not a bad thing – makes her slightly exotic to my mind. As for “hot” – that’s more an attitude, but she doesn’t seem to exude sexuality the way some starlets do.
Really, lovely? That’s the one I thought was the ugliest of the bunch. Her mouth looks like The Joker’s and her face is square and her hair is too blonde. She looks like Gwyneth Paltrow’s homely cousin. Huh.
That’s the best one, but still, her face is weird-looking to me.
Yeah, dunno what happened there. Sorry, here it is. She looks like an overly made-up boy in this one to me.
Boy is that true. I would agree with what most others have said–she has a sort of girlish look that is considered attractive. But there are different types of female beauty, of which the girlish look is only one. I also think Danes can be sexier in the flesh than in a still picture, as I thought she was in Terminator 3 but not in The Rainmaker.
And I also agree with what someone said earlier about “hot.” The word brings to mind strippers or nude models and other women who deliberately emphasize their sexuality, whereas “pretty” is what you would say about your best friend’s sister.
One actress whose appeal I can’t understand is Kirsten Dunst, playing Mary Jane Watson in the Spider-Man movies. In the comic the character was a fashion model and then a soap-opera star. Dunst is not attractive enough for either job.