Gwyneth gives birth to Apple

When did Ms. Paltrow become a Mac user?

I’m hoping the second child is named Banana.

That way, s/he can be second, Banana.

Ooh… that was bad. :wink:

Mrs. Furthur

I kinda like the name. Also, if the kid doesn’t she has two other perfectly normal names to fall back on.

Used for his name. A few years ago, he return to using Prince as his name:


Nurse: your child’s sex?

GP: female

Nurse: your child’s name?

GP: (not paying attention) What?

Nurse: … your child’s appelation …

GP: I like that, but I’ll shorten it. Thanks!

“Charlie Brown, meet Five!”

“Good grief!”

For the curious, there are 18 persons with the first name of Apple in the Social Security Death Index. They were born 1875-1946. The 1930 U.S. census recorded 29 persons with the first name of Apple.