…okay, if it’s not Henry, then what does the H in Jesus H. Christ stand for?
It stands for Hippy, because his hair was long and he was cool and stuff :).
If I could use the search engine properly I could find you one of the previous threads that discuss this… sorry.
Only for the Electromagnetic Jesus.
Otherwise, lok up the prior threads.
Off to Comments on Cecils’ Columns
Perhaps http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=107808&highlight=jesus+christ is a follow-up discussion which may help.
I still like “Haploid”, personally.
I thought it was about the H in “John H. Watson, MD” and this was yet another comment on the Sherlock Holmes Staff Reportin the wrong forum…
It’s for “Howard” as in “Our Father, who art in Heaven, Howard be thy name”. Jesus got his Father’s name for a middle name.
The alternative theory is that it stands for “Harold” as in “Hark, the Harold Angels sing” but why he would be named after a singing sports team is beyond me.
One theory I’ve not seen here: “H” is a euphemistic replacement for “F,” which is more offensive and therefore less frequently seen in print.
Holy. Jesus Holy Christ. Makes sense to me.