Habits you have that are annoying to others

I hum. All The Time. I don’t even realize I am doing it until people ask what I am humming or tell me to shut the hell up.

My husband thinks it is endearing. Everyone else wants my vocal cords removed.

You and my husband should get together. I think I’ll will steal Frustrated Wonderer’s habit and get some ear phones. Perhaps your SO should do the same

When i’m excited i rub my hands together really quickly and noisily.
I click my teeth together rhythmically.
I pop my knuckles, neck, feet, and back constantly.

Hum, whistle, beat drum patterns on everything. I have to admit that all of these things drive me nuts when someone else is doing them…

Oh, I do that too.
I also make a cracking/popping sound with my right shoulder.

Hah. :slight_smile:

I’m pretty easy going, and when someone asks me out to do something, I’ll often shrug my shoulders and say, “Sure.” It’s often interpreted as an unenthusiastic agreement, when really I’m perfectly happy with whatever’s proposed.

I correct people’s grammar. All the time.

Oh, and I am always right as well. I often make friends repeat the statement “you’re right” when they admit it. Followed by the quote “I love hearing that”. :cool: