Hack her to death with a kitchen knife.

Well, I think 'hack her to death with a kitchen knife" is a hilarious third list item. The thread in which it was introduced inspired me to name tdn as one of my two favorite posters, and it still makes me laugh every time I see it. Course, I’m a big fan of referential humor, especially when I get the joke.

In any event, anyone who still uses “Hi Opal!” as a third list item should be hacked to death with a kitchen knife.

I was just wondering if you’d like to sit on the back porch and hoist a few and discuss the artistic merits of hentai in both anime and manga.

Holy shit. I’ve been snorting Diet Code Red out of my nose for ten minutes. I fucking LOVE this line - I hadn’t seen it on the Dope until this thread (although I did see it on SNL), but damn, it’s funny.

Of course, now, all I can think is “Oh! She appears to have been accidentally shot by Claudine Longet!”.


Damn, I’m gonna have to quit trying to have any fun on the boards anymore. I was simply attempting to determine when it might sometimes be better to hack…or not to hack. I know that wasn’t the question, sorry. :frowning:

From now on whenever I have a list that needs a third item. I’ll just add:
#3. tequila shots anyone?

damned evil clowns

If you think that’s the most tasteless in joke on the SDMB thus far, you haven’t been looking very hard.

We can do better.

Okay, to start off the gruesome new ‘In Joke Olympics’…

Well, it’s not a bucket of dead kittens, but I wouldn’t sneeze at it!

How about the presence of asbestos in manga?

See Mockingbird you made a funny and I’ll bet you didn’t know that used to, the old timers would take a litter of kittens and tie 'em up in a burlap sack with a few bricks and pitch em the lake to get rid of them.
Every now and then you’d hear the line…“Now that’s funnier than a sack of cats.”
or “Who let the cat out of the bag?”

How’s that? :smiley:

Anytime. Hell, I haven’t even sat on a back porch and hoisted a few in a long time. And the last time I did, it was with my mother and her friends. I don’t want to explain to her what hentai is, much less the artistic merits. Some things, your mother just doesn’t need to know.

Actually, I did know about that.

Would that it was history and people still didn’t treat animals like garbage.

Still, It’s not as sad as an exploding clown at a 5 year old’s birthday party!

“Nothing says Memorial Day like a drowned puppy.”

Why, you talk sweeter than my last three victims.

  1. Market them as dung-flavored breath mints

  2. A flaming ball of gas

  3. The aroma of wet tissues

  4. Battery-operated throat warmer

  5. Knuckletrout

  6. Race a speeding marmot.

  7. Kneaded pork salad

  8. Crushed by a shrieking Volvo

  9. A soft, fleshy protuberance

  10. Rubber Macfishes underwear

  11. Random non-sequitur


  1. Lol!
  1. Spank me hard and call me Mommy.

Sweet Gravy, I thought I was the only one that had that fantasy.

I’m just a man who has his finger on the pulse of the world.

Where my finger is and how I get the pulse is my business.

I’m getting my memes confused…I have the “He tried to kill him with a forklift” song running through my head now.

Is that by Nancy Sinatra?

I hear ya Ggurl :wink:
(Fucking coincidence of gravity and meaning–Synchronicity.)

It is quite disturbing.
3) Pussycow